Wednesday, August 28, 2013

All is content on the Montara Front

Really? 2 full months and nothing. I attribute it fully to making a huge mistake a year and a bit ago. I decided to save pennies and purchase an effing PC and now not only does work often come to a grinding halt but my blogging has become pretty much non existent.
But here I am. Where to begin. My summer was amazing. The best I have had since summer meant let me back up....the best since having kids and summer meant anything.
Pre-kid summers meant waking up in Butano, sending Adam to work (Ha), walking Lilly, reading a book, and taking a bath all before 10. Summers back then also mean planning and preparing trips to Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica....the glorious days.
But this summer was special in different but equally (or more) important ways.
I spent the better half of the summer traveling here and there. It felt empowering and relatively easy to take my kids away for a few days on my own to various places. And clearly the highlights were camping with my village.
It has taken me 34.75 years, three kids, and 7 years as a mom to find my village. And I am always expanding it. Although I admit it is hard to really put the effort in to new friendships when I feel like I have built lasting and loving relationships with five other families all with similar beliefs, view of the world, parenting styles, and pastimes as me.
We camped every 2-3 weeks for 4 nights and in between those times I got to do amazing things like visit Jackie's new ranch and get to know her kids better. I got to finally meet and hold Will the most loved and adorable little baby out there. I got to see my bestie Amy and hang with her husband, Corin and toddler Cedar. I got to spend a glorious few days at one of my closest friend's mom's estates swimming and drinking and just loving life.
In between these trips I got to wake up and watch my kids play inside and outside. I didn't check work emails for days on end, sometimes not even turning on my computer. I read a book. Ok, most of a book, but still. I haven't read a novel since being super sick with pneumonia before conceiving Alex was a reality.
I got to watch Charlie skateboard, bike, play tennis, and care so lovingly after Alex.
After 6 months of being quarantined from my parents house and lives, I got to drop in occasionally and spend pressure moments showing off my kids.
My kids. 2, 5 and 7. and so full of fire, and love, and questions.
Right now after a long few days filled with greatness I have nothing but awe and admiration for these kids of mine. but let me tell you there are plenty of moments (usually daily) where chaos and attitude and whining rule our way of life....but why dwell on those moments...especially not when generally I feel so good.
I stepped back into work two weeks ago, taking on a bigger load than last year and yet feeling 1000 times more in control of this job. And that feels damn good.
Kate started kinder and during the first day her teacher (who charlie had and who we love) came up to me at pick up time and said:When you are ready and you think Kate is ready, leave her until 2:40 when the first graders leave (it is a k/1 class). I tried to gather my daughter on her first day of school and she barely blinked an eye at me: I want to stay mommy, I will leave with Charlie.
It was bittersweet but mostly I felt proud that I am her mother. This girl with so much love and personality. So together and well-rounded that she is invited to be one of the first graders.
And Charlie seems to be owning second grade: "Mommy, I am supposed to read 30 minutes everyday. I have never even made it to 12" And now night after night he lays in bed exhausted after school and sports and reads amazingly well to me. When I try to stop him so he can go to sleep he asks if it has been 30 minutes, and if not he trudges onward. I couldn't be more proud. Tonight he sat at his desk for 30 minutes from 8:30-9:00 writing about Hawaii and how badly he wants to surf there.
And Alex, how do I even explain how happy, silly, smart, engaged and adorable he is. He is the light o f my life. And it is only fair that I start working harder to capture his moments, our moments. Charlie and Kate have a record of their lives at 2. He deserves one too. So there that is me right now. Tomorrow I might wake up feeling off and frustrated and overwhelmed. But for now with a quiet house sitting on a couch next to my husband who is reading a book (yes, a book) I feel rich.