Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Conversations with a 3 year old

While taking a bath last night:
Charlie: Mommy, who bought this house?
Me: Mama and Pa did, a long time ago
Charlie: Like, from a really big store?
Me: (laughing) no, from the bank.
Charlie: From a bank? (looking surprised)

Tonight while lying in bed:
Charlie: Mommy, when you are in the kitchen and I am in the playroom, do you still love me
Me: Charlie, I love you no matter where you are, anywhere in the world
Charlie: Even if I am on top of the world and you are just in Half Moon Bay, you still love me?
Me: Yes
Charlie: What if I am on the roof, do you still love me
Me: I would be scared but of course I would love you. no matter where you are or what you do, I will ALWAYS love you.
Charlie: I can build a big slide from the roof and slide down. I old enough for that?
Me: No, daddy isn't even old enough for that.
Charlie: Oh

10 minutes later I thought he was asleep and was just about to sneak out of the room.
Charlie:You know mommy, some people don't have fridges
Me: Some people don't have what (couldn't understand the word fridges, wasn't expecting it)
Charlie: You know fridges to keep things cold, some people don't have them
Me: Yes, that is true. some people don't even have houses.
Charlie : (looking very shocked and sad) Why?
Me: Some people don't have the money to have a house
Charlie: I can share my house with them. If Chloe ( a friend of his) doesn't have a house, I can just share mine
Me: Chloe has a house Charlie, it is so nice that you would share your house.

Last night in the bath:
Me: Charlie how old is Uncle Josh
Charlie: 34
Me: How old am I?
Charlie: 31
Me: How old is little Kate?
Charlie: 2
Me: How old is pa? ( I was thinking he would say something like yixty yix
Charlie: Older than the hills ( I have never heard him say this, turns out my mom taught him)

A few weeks ago:
Me: Charlie, how old do you think you will be before you are ready to sleep alone?
Charlie: um.....31, then I will have my own wife to sleep with.
Me: Hmm, interesting. shouldn't daddy get to sleep with his wife?
Charlie: No

I hear a lot of moms complain about 3 year olds. Yes, they are so much more opinionated, verbal, stubborn. But I love the conversations, the thought, the sensitivity, the natural feelings that flow from my 3 year old. Are the unpredictable meltdowns challenging? Yes. The determination draining? Yes. Can I control him? No. Can I make him do anything? No. But most the time I don't mind. I like his independence, I like hearing him think about the world outloud. I enjoy teaching him about animals and even more learning about animals from him. And the conversations, I adore them.
Thank you Charlie for being you.


a fallen thought said...

SO cute and funny. he is a brilliant one. love you both

cblaskower said...

precious. so glad you're recording these conversations. it doesn't seem possible, but you might forget the details as the years go by. this is such an amazing recording of your lives together during this magical stage :) such a good mama.

sarah said...

Thanks K and C for your comments, always nice to is your comments that keep me writing, I often have mixed feelings about blogging, but then I read both of your comments and I feel so supported, loved and encouraged. And you both are such amazing writers yourselves, inspirational for sure. Speaking off C, when you are feeling better I would love a nice long raw blog post about how this first trimester has knocked you off your a**