Friday, January 1, 2010

It's been hard to motivate to write a post. So much is going on all the time that I rarely have time to even sit down and take a breath. With two very energetic, verbal, and active toddlers I find myself constantly mediating, supervising, and intervening.
I try my best to sit back and watch and several times a day I even go as far as to let them figure things out themselves. But our sweetest Kate doesn't fight fair and although Charlie often provokes the situation and in some ways may "deserve" the consequence, naturally I hate to see him get bit or scratched.
So that in part is why I haven't blogged lately. The few moments of peace I have each day I spend cooking.
Which leads me to this. Last night I had one of the sweetest moments since becoming a mother.
I have struggled with Charlie the past two days as a direct result of him not napping and therefore being too tired to function. He becomes difficult and I lack in experience in how to handle a difficult three year old. Yesterday was New Year's Eve and Adam only worked half a day. He came home at lunch ate some food and then scooped Charlie up and took him on a long hike, allowing me to nap with Kate and get some things done(like making 24 vegan cupcakes-Coconut Lime and German Chocolate). They were gone for over 3 hours and had a wonderful time. Later in the night Adam told me that they had talked about mommy and how much they loved me on the hike. I was so touched. I know I am loved, but it is always nice to hear it. When Adam asked Charlie what he loved about me he said:
She is nice.
She is a great cook.
She takes me places.
And you had to be there to see the loving look in Adam's eyes. I looked deep into his eyes and felt so in love with my whole little family. It was a nice way to end 2009, and a great way to start 2010.

1 comment:

cblaskower said...

oh man, sarah. how good for all of you. you all handled the day amazingly. everyone got their special time and wouldn't you know you all felt closer by being apart. how amazing and inspiring.