Friday, January 29, 2010

our weekA

Our days are long. But the weeks and months pass by so quickly.
In just a week Kate will be 2. It is hard to believe, because I still hold the memory of my tiny nursling nestled up to my chest day and night so vividly in my mind.
She stomps her foot now to make her point. Tells me I am bad when she senses anything but extreme happiness in my tone. She pees on the potty throughout the day, and struts around in her underwear like the big girl she thinks she is. She likes to experiment with pushing, kicking, scratching, biting, and pinching, and minutes later is the sweetest little girl you have ever seen.
She has a million different ways to say, HI MOMMY
And often asks Charlie to hold her, carry her, help her.
She has perfect grammar and complex sentences that amaze us all.
She continues to dominate in the area of being sweet, cute, spunky, and fiesty.
My mom says she reminds her of me.
She adores her daddy, who doesn't?
She spends her days eating and eating and eating, playing so sweetly with her dolls, jumping on the couch with her brother, hiding from nasty trolls, and racing cars around the floor.
She struts into Charlie's nursery school like she owns the place, and honestly she does.
She can sing songs so beautifully, and loves to practice swimming on the hardwood floor.
She is opinionated, so well love by her friends small and big, and one you definitely don't want to mess with.
She is my Kate, my daughter, and she is almost 2. That is crazy.

She is almost as tall as Charlie, only a few pounds lighter, and can almost keep up with him verbally and physically, well not really, but she likes to think so.

Here is Charlie enjoying ice cream while in snow clothes on a very rainy day. We were pretending to eat ice cream in the playroom when Charlie said, "Mommy, I have the perfect idea, let's go eat real ice cream." Who can turn that down?

She likes to get wet, get muddy, get dirty....

And is also asking Charlie questions, which he loves to answer.

She is so well entertained by this person, as we all are.

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