Wednesday, September 14, 2011


A few months ago Charlie wanted to play soccer with someone on the deck. I replied that I would play, and he said something like I wasn't that good. Being the overly sensitive and at times defensive person that I am I shot back, "Are you freaking kidding me...I played varsity soccer all four years in high school." Not knowing what that meant he said: Mommy you are good at three things.....nursing the baby, cleaning the house, and cooking.
After that discussion I have gone out of my way to prove to him I can be a fast runner, strong swimmer and a fierce competitor at soccer.
A few weekends ago I asked him again...
Me: Charlie what are three things I am good at
Charlie: You are a good swimmer, a good cook, and good at being a nice mommy.
Thanks Charlie....I see definite improvement

Kate and I have been taking walks with Lily on the weekend while Adam and Charlie play soccer with our neighbors. On Saturday Kate ran up to a big bunch of Naked Lady flowers
Kate: Mommy, dese are naked yadies. Kinda like you if you were naked, which wouldn't be good cuz then everyone see your 'gina and your butt. and she giggles

Today on our walk Kate made it 10 minutes and started to slow down.
Kate: Mommy I tired
Me: hmmm, well we have to walk home, it isn't far
Me again: Kate I wonder what is happening you used to be the best little hiker and you are always slowing down and not wanting to walk.
Kate: (taking a breath and thinking for a moment) My yegs are not helping me out. Yee (see) yook.... (she walks super fast and then starts to slow down) they just slow down right away


a fallen thought said...

I am cracking up. Those are the best conversations I've heard in a long time. Those kids are the smartest and you are the funniest. And you ate the smartest too, and them the funniest. Thank you.

Amber said...

Yes, thanks for the smile! Your kids will be so glad you wrote all these little conversations down :)