Monday, October 17, 2011

Ms. SassyFrass

I am pretty much convinced that my Kate is the coolest girl ever. She is tough, funny, smart, silly, adorable, fiesty and always having fun. Every time she brushes her teeth she opens her mouth wide and says :Shiny and clean? or Fresh and clean? She can swear like a sailor and even though we come down on her like a ton of bricks, on the inside we love it. I mean...really..there is a time and a place for swearing.
She loves her brother Charlie like no other. Just yesterday she got mad at me because I gently tried to explain that she can't really marry her brother. Kate: But I want to! I yove (love) him and I want to marry him so I can always be close to him. Mommy you married your brother! Me: Oh No, I married Daddy. Kate: He your brother. Me: No he is my husband.
Her grammar sucks and when we correct her she usually brushes us off saying something like: I can say it however I want. A few days ago she was painting and I was doing something in the living room. She dropped her paintbrush and said: GET IT. I said: Kate, how can you ask nicer? She replied: GET IT NOW. Felt so familiar
She loves to play creatively alone or with anyone. And she is making new friends everyday.
Her signature move is called Sassyfrass..not sure where it came from but she blurts out SASSYFRASS and does this pose that you can see in the folloing pics...
We love her!


Adam said...

She is pretty much the coolest thing ever!

Amber said...

Some sass is good!