Sunday, October 16, 2011

The things they say

My parents had a sleepover with the kids. My dad was trying to put Kate's pajamas on but it wasn't quite working out.
Kate: These jammies too small, but I sure look cute in them

While hanging out with my brother the kids were talking about college. Charlie was asking questions about college and careers:
Kate: I not going to college. I goin be a boxer so I can punch people for money

Last Thursday I spent almost all day with Kate and baby. We spent the first hour and half cleaning the house together. Kate was literally on her hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor. She kept saying over and over. "This is a hard job, but daddy will be so proud of us" Then after our cleaning we decided to take a nice long walk together, which with Kate turns into one hour long monologue. With Charlie on a school field trip, I really got to focus on Kate.
Kate: Mommy, do you see my pretty shadow?
Me: I sure do
Kate: You have a pretty shadow too.
Me: Thanks.

The other night I was hopping into bed when I heard Charlie call me. I jumped up with baby in my arms and went into his room. He wanted one more hug and kiss and then I was on my way. I was in my undies and tank top because I too was settling in for the night.
Charlie (in his most sweet and sincere voice): I like your ass mommy
Me: Thanks Charlie....but that really isn't appropriate
Charlie then starts to cry: Was it mean? I meant it nice
Me: It is ok honey. I know you meant it nice. Actually the new bodypump has a wicked lunge track and yes my bum is getting in better just isn't something you are supposed to say
Charlie: Ok mommy, love you

While talking about the ocean and beach with the kids last week our conversation turned to crabs.
Kate: I like crabs
Charlie: You do? You are not afraid of their big claws.
Kate. Nope. I like them clean, dead, and not sandy.
Me: Oh, you like to eat crab.

Kate has come to love the letter H. If you visit you will see it written on our pots out front, our bricks and against Adam's wishes, on our house all in chalk. She will spend the longest time making H people, huge gorgeous H's on paper, and painting H's too.
Kate: I got to draw H's (while sitting at the table doing so). It's a lot of work. But people have all H's in their names so I have to write it.

Me: Kate, did you have fun at nursery school?
Kate: Totally. Definitely.


Tara said...

Omg. I want your kids. I mean, if they ever need to live with a new family and none of their real family can have them. No offense to any family members, they just rock.

a fallen thought said...

Sooo funny, every last word. Love the lunge track bit, and the shadow, and the crab.