Wednesday, November 2, 2011



I was relieved when Charlie said he didn't want to be a superhero for Halloween. Adam explained different scary characters that are associated with Halloween and sure enough Charlie was convinced Dracula would be the best choice. Adam spent a good 30 minutes working on Charlie's face paint before 8 am....and he did an amazing job.

In class...the kids getting ready for the school parade. A happy vampire sitting next to one of his best school buddies...Charlotte...afterall their name starts the same (what he told me on the third day of school)

After the fun parade all the other classes were piling back into their classrooms to begin parties full of sugary treats. Ms. Linda took her class on an hour long walk all through the back streets of Montara. We stopped at 2 rest homes and the kids sang and danced. Charlie busted some very cute and on beat moves right before I snapped this picture. Ms. Linda pointed out all the decorations on the walk, haunted houses that would be open that night, and took the kids by her house so they could show their parents while trick or treating. All Charlie did just that. We went to her house and after he said trick or treat he said in a shy but adorable little voice, "Do you know it is really Charlie and not dracula"

I had the best Halloween ever. I will try to track down a few pictures from our actual night. The kids were so happy and it was quite fun for the adults too.


Amber said...

Awesome make-up job, Adam! Charlie is so cute and I liked his hair all slicked back. Jackson's school didn't do anything on Halloween. Too bad he and Charlie couldn't trick-or-treat together as Dracula and Frankenstein. They both had quite the face paint on this year!!

Adam said...

These photos are of the first attempt in the morning. It was much better for the evening trick-or treating after practicing. We need to get a photo of that.

Mama Deb said...