Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I dig:
Adam getting up at the crack of dawn and rushing out to surf with my brother at Montara beach.
The sound of the water running as he fills up his container full of warm water. The water he will douse over his head once he is finished surfing. Two of my favorite men together, greeting the day together in one of my most favorite elements...the ocean.
I dig:
Attitude. It truly is everything. After a few harder days with my kids I once again stepped back and re-evaluated the situation. I realized that my attitude was off. I was reacting rather than responding (thanks mom), I was battling Charlie's mood swings with mood swings of my own. And so I dig change. The past two days have been wonderful, because I changed my attitude. I once again (when will I end this ebb and flow of my ways) came back to the fact that I am my kids' rock. My presence needs to stay calm, cool, and collective...because if I freak out how can I ever expect my kids to keep their cool. I dig taking deep breaths. Validating feelings. Giving rather than controlling. Love over fear. I dig learning as I go
I dig:
My body. I weigh more than I did pre-kid. I don't look the same. But I love my body. My body that grew, birthed, fed, and raised three kids thus far. My body that is strong enough to endure and excel in 60 minutes of spinning, 60 minutes of weight training, hiking with my family. I dig my health, my strength, my endurance, and my drive...even if I don't dig the extra 10 pounds.
I dig:
My family. The family I have created with Adam, the family I come from, and my friends who are like family to me.

There are times where I am tired, down, moody, and frustrated. But right now I am happy, balanced, grounded, love where I am....where I live..who I share life with...what I have become both professionally and as a partner, friend, parent, daughter and sister.

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