Friday, March 21, 2014

Winter break

I always worry when a break from school approaches. We exist fairly well with school and work and sports. The more we lead our separate and busy lives the less we know how to truly coexist. It is a true quandary. But every time we surprise ourselves. Sure we have a few rough mornings and moments. What appears to be a nice game of connect 4 (or 5 as Alex calls it) ends it yelling and hitting. But when we are given large lumps of time together as a family we always find our way back to harmonious happiness, sprinkled with intense arguing and teasing of course.
This break was special because Alex was really on the cusp of being a big. He had been out of diapers for 6 months, could charge through a day happy without a nap, and followed directions quite well. We ventured to the Oakland zoo and unlike last January it did not end in a barf-o-rama.

Alex was finally big enough to ride the big kids ride! I was smiling ear to ear. After years of holding the nursing Alex, then the toddler hobbling around, to finally the two year old who was old enough to communicate how much he wanted to go on the rides to finally the proud mother of three big kids able to ride the rides....I was elated.

Our annual crab fest was an success

And xmas morning was so fun. How cute is Alex!

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