Friday, March 21, 2014


The end of 2013 went pretty darn well. Our days . The sun was shining, the kids were happy, and the coastside was stunning. We spent many afternoons at beaches, parks, and in friends' yards.

The surf was pretty good too, which made for a happy Adam

This was the second time it's happened since President Lincoln established Thanksgiving in 1863 and it is also the last time it'll happen until the year 79,811. I'll say that again: after this year, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving Day won't overlap for another 77,798 years. So we lived it up. We lit our Menorah nightly. Followed by epic song and dance. It was awesome.

We took advantage of limited family time by racing down the street to our beach. Between work, school, sports, and social fun....having all 5 of us and only us is rare.

We got into the groove of school mornings. I started putting Kate to work in the kitchen. Here she is on pancake duty.

Alex enjoyed the reintroduction of green smoothies to our diet.

And I got to sneak Alex away to the discovery museum while the bigs were in school. This is a place I used to enjoyed almost weekly when Kate was under a year. 

So that was the rest of our November.

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