Sunday, November 24, 2013

Being Thankful

 I have experienced enough heartache and worry this past year, enough to know when it is time to relish in things being great.  I could go on and on about how much emotion my body, mind, and soul has endured this year but instead I would like to document what I am thankful for.

I am thankful that my mother has managed to stay out of the hospital for nearly a year despite a few bad colds.

I am thankful Charlie has found a group of friends he enjoys at school. I am thankful he is thriving with reading and writing.

I am thankful that Alex is potty trained (for the most part minus the whole crapping in his diaper when he wakes up)

I am thankful that Kate loves school and things like building friendships come so easy to hear. I am also thankful to have a badass, athletic, tough, yet silly and sweet daughter.

Happy to have an abundance of friends on the coast that I can swap childcare as well as celebrate birthdays, seasons, life with

Lucky to have a husband who is a great father, open to changes, sympathetic to struggles, and a great freind

Thankful to have friends who like to play Settlers

Thankful to have family eager to watch and hang out with our kids

Thankful to have the resources to pay for things like piano lessons, tennis lessons, gymnastics, and soccer.

Happy my kitchen is repainted.

Thankful that Alex has forged his own place in this world. He really is his own incredibly being and I am forever thankful that my parents share in the delight of just him every Tuesday morning while I work.

Thankful for moments like tonight where my three kids engaged in a great dance party while their soup (that ADAM made) cooled down. Some bears take walks, some families have dance parties.

My life is full of ups and downs like everyones. My car is often a dirty mess. My kids are either jumping of couches, running around the housing, or teasing each other. I constantly worry and stress about the health and happiness of those around me. And it is a daily struggle of mine to feel liked and loved by those around me. I have plenty to worry about. I mourn events and experiences in my life that have caused grief and confusion. I worry about my parents getting older. I stress too much about my house being cleaner. I often feel overwhelmed by the noise and clutter three kids (or 7 when neighbor kids join us) create. But more important than all those feelings of fear, more important that stressing over the small shit, is the joy I give and receive on a daily basis from the amazing kids I am raising, the incredible support system of my parents, and the love and attention my friends provide. This is what I am thankful for this year. For growth, healing, acceptance, courage, and above all health.

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