Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hannukah, Berkowitz style

Passing down the celebration of Hannukah, Joe Berkie style.

We put on the same song every night and dance the night away. Charlie and Kate of course jumped right in with some jew moves of their own.

Adam was not igniting his inter-jew, and instead sat on our bean bag and read about gardening.

But Aunt Kate made up for Adam with some awesome moves of her own

Charlie dug through a xmas box in our dining room and dragged out this xmas apron for my dad for his hannukah present. I thought this summed us up well.

Here is another funny shot. Pa is helping Kate open up her Hannukah present in front of our xmas tree.

And if lighting candles, dancing together, and getting a present isn't enough, you also get to search around the house for gelt (chocolate coins)

After each coin he found he would yell: AAAA HAAAAAA. It was so cute.

Silly Pa
Adam managed to put down his book to help Charlie open us his gift.

He LOVES his crayon rocks and colors with them everyday.

I think it was the third night that Adam found his inner-jew, he grabbed a hat that Kate made that was too small for everyone as his yamaka, and stepped up to the plate...he was a natural, his only mistake was that he counted the middle candle as one of the main ones.

Charlie was so excited that he was big enough to hold the candle.

And when it was Kate's turn, she laughed while saying, "Happy Hannukah"
This good fun lasts 8 days. We have been switching off nights: One night hidden chocolate, one night a toy.
I have never felt so Jewish in my life. I am proud.


stina said...

Looks like fun! Are you still playing the Adam Sandler song? And your candle holder looks a little more official than it did back in the Davis days. Good memories!

cblaskower said...

thank you for posting this. what fun! i love the last pic of you and kate. you are both so beautiful!