Monday, January 18, 2010

Gnomes, fairies, and Juniper stumps

I love talking, reading, and teaching the kids about all the forrest creatures. Their faces light up when we drive or walk through a forrest. "This would be a great place for trolls and gnomes to live" is something we hear almost daily. My favorite childrens' author hands down is Elsa Beskow. Her stories are full of creative imaginative creatures and touch upon seasons so beautifully. These days I can sit back (and knit) and watch the kids play. Do they play with their great dollhouse? No, how about the Train set? NO, the airport and parking garage? No.
They play with silks, and their dress up clothes:

Two days in a row the kids woke up to a gnome hat just for them. I haven't had any luck getting them to wear a hat their whole life, until I made them these. They love that they resemble pointy hats that gnomes wear, and they loved watching me make them. They are dying to learn to knit.
They build forts and act out stories. Rainy days are really fine by us. More time for art, books, and pretend play. And I love that their pretend play involves no toys, just their words, imaginations and...our couch. I do wonder if and when we will ever be able to actually sit on our couch. It is always being used either as a trampoline or a fort.

And despite some fighting and name-calling, these kids are truly best buds. Charlie helps Kate all day, and Kate loves her big bro. He is helping her learn to count, use the potty, climb up couch cushions and eat with a big spoon. He involves her in all of his games, as I type this I hear Charlie saying, "Quick Kate, come hide from that nasty troll, quick. quick. quick. Kate we have to hide from this nasty troll. AHHH"
Hiking has become their favorite thing to do, and who can blame them living in a place like this.

We literally stumbled upon this huge male Elephant seal south of HMB. When we first saw him he stretched his big noogin up and out. I was a bit scared.
Heritage Grove, La Honda. Our favorite weekend hike.

It has been magical teaching kids about nature, seasons, the world around us. They notice flowers on walks, save worms in puddles, can spot a mushroom at the park, beach, or woods, and all around love being outside. What kid doesn't.
Yesterday Adam took the kids for a hike so that I could make dinner and relax a bit, he came back with easily a pound of chanterelles...yumm....never thought our loving for hiking would lead to dinner...

1 comment:

Mama Deb said...

LOVE the hats you made! You are so talented. I continue to be amazed at how creative a Mom you are. Your children are going to grow up to be awesome adults :)