Friday, January 1, 2010


I was going to take a break from blogging. I want to make sure I am being real and honest and not just blogging cute and funny moments but also what is hard. But when 4 different people told me in the last week that they are eagerly waiting for a xmas post, I realized that I am not just blogging for myself, that people are reading, enjoying, and following my blog (comments would confirm this...hint, hint)
It is always a funny thing to find out months and months later that someone is reading your blog, has a window to your soul, but afterall it is what you want.

We had a really mellow nice Christmas Eve, I cooked a big yummy dinner and we ate with everyone (except big Aunt Kate), then the kids got to open their pajamas and ornament from my mom, and they each got a winter book from me. Is there anything cuter than a father cuddled up to his son reading. Like last night, both kids were asleep by 7:15.

I overheard Adam talking to Charlie Christmas Eve. Adam asked Charlie what he hoped Santa would bring him. Charlie said a car. Adam said, I thought you wanted a scooter. Charlie said so matter of factly, Santa might not have room in his bag...but I guess he did. Charlie ran out and said, I SEE IT. He was so happy.

Kate's santa gift was a balance bike, being the fearless charger that she is, she jumped right on and of course fell off a second later. She loved getting rides around the kitchen and as soon as we get her a helmet, she'll be ready to rock (as she says)

Charlie went for his biggest present first, of course.

Showing pa his stocking

what more can a girl want: glasses, lollipop, bubbles, and a present
kate's big present from my parents: a doll stroller
Kate loves her little glasses, one of her best friends wears glasses, and all Christmas day she kept pointing to her glasses and saying, I YeeeYa (I am like Lea)
Maybe it was the fact that Charlie woke up at 4:50 or that we started opening presents at 6:45 or maybe it was the Christmas chaos with two excited toddlers, but adam wasn't as excited as I thought he'd be about his gifts from me :Coconut bedding for his worms, a compost thermometer, and a slippers
Josh studying his new book.
Adam may have sat on the bean bag tired the whole present opening time, but when it came time to set up the dollhouse and play, he was all about it. Nothing sounds sweeter than this: Me from another room: Adam what are you doing? Adam: Playing with the dollhouse..


a fallen thought said...

so cute. i loved when kate jumped on the bike and you let go and she fell over and then you said "kate you wanna try again?" and she said "No fa over?" and then got right back on.
thanks again for my bag. i cant imagine life without it now. seriously.
love you, you are an amazing mother.

cblaskower said...

so freaking cute. i want to see kate on her new bike. what did you get?

Mama Deb said...

I love reading your blog, so don't take a break!! (well, at least not too long a break)