Monday, August 16, 2010

Family Time

We really enjoy our weekends together. We try to make time for each of us to exercise, and then both days we try to do something fun as a family. Bike rides, tennis courts, hikes, beaches are usually the things we go for. And we aim to spend most of the day outside, where our kids seem happiest. The past two weekends I spent in bed and Adam was out having fun with the kids, so I was very excited to get to tag along this time.

Saturday evening we went up to the tennis courts for some good old tennis fun. Charlie was serious for about 10 minutes and ripped some cross court top spin winners (are you impressed that I know that Adam?)
But he quickly decided he would rather dance around the court and annoy Adam...
I thought it was quite entertaining....

After getting his sillies out he roped some balls over the net, making his dad proud, I am sure.

Future doubles team?

When Charlie woke up Saturday and heard Adam mention there was tennis on TV Charlie quickly shouted back : "I am better than Federer!"
One day Charlie, maybe...
Taking his "ready position" very seriously
The days of Kate carelessly chasing balls around the courts are over, it is all business for her now.

She actually hit her first few balls on her own...

Not exactly the natural that Charlie is, but she sure can get down low to get the ball..

Sunday morning we hiked in the redwoods in Higgins Canyon and had a great time exploring creeks, counting banana slugs, having races...
Not sure if there is anything sweeter or cuter than this girl eating a pear in the forest.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I would hope you would know a little tennis terminology by now after hanging around me for all these years! Nothing makes me prouder than watching Charlie rip a tennis ball!!! We gotta get this kid good so I have another hitting partner in my old age.