Sunday, October 23, 2011

The zoo 3 second photo shoot

Last week was amazing. I pulled myself back towards my waldorf inspired parenting roots and picked a theme for each day. I exercised, grocery shopped, cleaned, and cooked while kids were either playing independently or in school. And then I dedicated 2 to 3 hours of each afternoon solely to the kids. Monday we baked. Tuesday we played board games. Wednesday we did crafts, and Thursday we went to the zoo.
While at the zoo the kids started to played on the big bronze bears. I saw a photo opp so I said, "Charlie, hold Alex and I will take a picture." He said, "No mommy I don't think that is safe." I responded, "Just do it" and I handed him his favorite thing in the world, his precious baby brother. I then snapped three pics as fast as I could. Seriously, it was less than 5 is the progression.

When I told Adam the story and showed him the 3 pics, he said, "Sarah, you can't put that kind of pressure on Charlie" Poor man was terrified when I set down the camera. I laugh everytime I think of it, but I also feel bad for him. And for those of you that know Kate well......


a fallen thought said...

Love it, laughing. Love and miss you.

a fallen thought said...

Wait how high up was the bear?

sarah said...

Ha....I am guessing 3-4 feet....not so safe, especially with Kate the obsessed grabber in the back. Miss you Aunt NA!

Pa said...

3-4 feet!!...Good thing, as they say, God watches over children and fools...In this case, you were all covered. However, next time CPS will be notified.

a fallen thought said...

Haha! Good one pa!