Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Who we are

              We are the family that adores watching our kids play sports. We build our days, both during the week and weekends around our kids sports. We are the family that cheers (some would call it yells) too much during games. In fact last baseball game after the umpire called a clear strike a ball and I yelled WHOOOOOAH...adam had to silence me with  a quick: shut up sarah. Here Charlie is at bat. He had two great hits into the out field this game (and one strike out) and had a few amazing plays in the field (totally objective) and pitched two innings for the first time ever. We are the family that revels in Saturdays spent on soccer fields with family and friends.

                             This time of year we get amazing sun on our back deck. My idea of heaven is a long day full of ups and downs followed by a nice cold beer on a somewhat sunny deck looking at a magazine about food while my kids play.

        HMB gets amazingly gorgeous days in the spring..actually we have days that are breath-taking every season, except summer. There is nothing better than dropping work, housework, prior engagements, and life to run around at the beach when the weather hits high 60s. I have watched my kids run this maze from the time they were crawling.

                    You certainly know life is good when you can sit on the beach in May and feel so hot that a cool slice of watermelon is needed.

I constantly thought during this outing: This is my light at the end of the tunnel. Hear I have a nearly 2 year old (smart, verbal, silly, and sweet) that can play safely at a beach with close supervision. I see the light...

Alex following a class of k/1 out to get watered in the garden since  by 9 am it was hitting 70 degrees

I had an interesting talk about life, long, kids, family, struggles today with a woman I went to college with. She mentioned her daughter who is almost 10. She described her daughter and I found myself opening my mouth and saying: No matter what hardships, family issues, or crap thrown at us...the fact that we can say we have an amazing daughter who is close to our heart....that is something that makes everything else bearable. When life has caused me more pain that I am used to the first person I turn to is Kate. I don't always let her know why I need the play, the hug, the love...but I know that when I feel like I am falling apart...looking at Kate and being with all my kids grounds me.

                                                         Just having breakfast with two of the coolest kids around.
                                    Sharing gelato with my second daughter. I love this girl beside Kate. We all do.

           Speaking of loving B, this is her amazing mom, whom I adore. Yes, I was that friend that told her to hold her position after a slight bike run in with succulents so I could snap a pic.

                                Montara Triangle potluck. Enough said

                          The boys that keep me on my toes, forever flexible, and always madly in love.

1 comment:

a fallen thought said...

heart, melting, laughing, living every pic and every word!te