Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Uncles and Aunts

Uncles and aunts are important. Just as important as grandparents in my mind. They are fun-loving, caring, dedicated adults that love our kids unconditionally (and don't really have to lay down the law ever). They are role models, at times care-givers, and always down for some good old fun.
I have three uncles in my life. I always had a special connection with my Uncle Irv. I have many memories of my Uncle Irv, my dad's brother, that have stayed with me for years and will be with me for years. He was hard-working, a loving father, husband, and brother, and always open to real conversation. My Uncle Norm, my dad's other brother, would visit us and come with chocolate donuts and a huge smile. He was always fun, and despite living across the country managed to stay close to us. They are both no longer with us, but I think of them often, and hold memories of them close to my heart. My uncle Fred, my mother's brother, has always being smart, cheerful, and present. I am lucky to have had three loving uncles in my life.
But the focus of this post is about Uncle Josh. When he pulls up in front of the house, our kids explode with energy. They start running around like crazy shouting JOSH JOSH JOSH. In a matter of fact if they ever see a bronze car they being to go wild. From a mother's standpoint, especially the teacher in me, it has been fun to watch the evolution of his name. Ja.....then Jas, next YAS and now both kids are saying JOSH!
Last spring I was in a hard place. Both my parents were injured and therefore it was hard for them to watch the kids two afternoons alone while I taught. Josh came to the rescue and came over every Tuesday and Thursday just in time for snack time and outside play. Thank you Josh. I know I have thanked you over and over, but you not only helped the kids, you helped me and my students that were trying to survive end of the year tests and finals.

Our last day at Tahoe this year the kids woke up at 7 and immediately started running around happily playing in their new house. You should have seen their faces with Josh came down the stairs. He had arrived late the night before, hours after the kids had fallen asleep and therefore had no idea they had a special visitor.

This shows how amazingly dedicated Josh is to my kids, despite the fact that he didn't roll into our place until almost 3 in the morning, he woke up just before 8 and went right out onto the deck to "run a marathon" with the kids.

And Josh managed to keep up with our crazy pace all day. We hiked to Fallen Leaf Lake, went out to lunch, went to the park, pope beach, and finally out to dinner.

Frisbee, snacks, swimming, and lots of warm sun with Uncle Josh, it doesn't get much better than this

Thanks Josh for being such a cool, sweet, witty, smart, inclusive, thoughtful brother to me all growing up. Thank you for being so incredibly supportive as I claw my way through being a mother, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving my children the way you do. For making it a point to take time out of your life to build relationships with these two magnificent little beings.


Amy Z. said...

Yay Josh! Ya-hoo for Rad Uncles!

Amy Z. said...

and Rad Aunts, for I consider myself in the same boat as Aunt Kate.