Thursday, September 30, 2010

You know you're pregnant when...

1. You get to bed fearing the next day and what it will bring. Then you lay there entertaining yourself by placing personal bets on how many times you will puke the next day.

2. Although you are a normally happy, well-adjusted, balanced, and positive person, you walk around tangled up in a web of unstable emotional, with tears permanently glued to your eyes

3. You aren't hungry, nothing sounds remotely good to eat, yet if you follow your instincts and choose not to eat, you will spend your day in the bathroom.

4. You haven't spent this amount of time hugging the porclein goddess since your first few years in college

5. Ideas that previously seemed like good ones (for example getting pregnant) now seem like the beginning of the end.

6. You cry a few times each day, whether it be due to a certain 4 year old's unruly behavior, a stupid tv show, or because the marble run you are trying to set up keeps falling over.

7. You feel hung over 24-7, yet didn't get to enjoy the pleasure of ever feeling drunk first.

8. Your normal routine full of exercise, great playdates (sometimes complete with champagne or chilled white wine), beautiful walks and bike rides on the coastal trail turn into lazy mornings where you keep the kids entertained with books until 9 in the morning, don't get dressed or shower until it is time to tutor, and the kids go crazy inside all. day. long.

Yes, I am a mess. I admit it. I don't like it, but I do know it too shall pass. And so I will wait patiently, and jump at any chance to pawn my chilluns off on any capable adult.


Alex said...

So sorry about the pregnancy symptoms. Were you this sick with C & K? I don't remember hearing about it. Good luck Sarah!

stina said...

Congratulations!! Hang in there!

Amber said...

I like number 5!! No Zofran?

Brooke said...

congrats again! I know how hard it is- i can't say this year has been very good so far due to all the yucky pregnancy symptoms. I have to say Zofran was my friend :)

Mama Deb said...

Aww, Sarah...I hate that you're still so sick. Between my trip back to TX and your puking, I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks!! Hope the nausea passes. Remember, it's for a good cause :)