Thursday, December 29, 2011


Last night at 6 while gathering books to read.....
Kate: Gotta get some sleep into my body

Today while unloading to go to the beach, Kate is whacking herself on the head (gently)
Me: Kate, what are you doing?
Kate: Getting my brain working.

Kate has a new game. And I LOVE it. First she decided a few weeks back that the playroom is her home. It has a kitchen, parking garage, chalkboard, tools, her babies...and Charlie is usually her husband (so cool that he goes along with it everytime). She started this thing out of nowhere...she will either grab her shopping cart or baby stroller and waltz out of "her house" and say HELLLOOOOO with some southern accent. This begins the most amazing, funny, and creative game. It is almost always her monologues complete with hand gestures and outrageous stories of her a mom...she usually has 5 to 10 kids and the story always centers around all the "work" she has to do, and issues she heart melts with each sigh, facial expression, and head nod. She rocks it with her hands on her hips.....
Me: Oh hello Ms. Kate where have you been (I was never a good actress but with no one home but me and the kids, I pretend like I am on Broadway and I love it. I do this southern accent that comes from deep within, and I must say I rock it too)
Kate: (hands on hips, deep sigh) I got so much work to do. I always do.
Me: You don't say Kate...
Kate: My name is sarah and I have 5 kids
Me: Sarah. 5 kids, but I only see 2...
Kate: Do you see my arms? I only have 2, so I only can hold 2. The rest at home. I yeaving for half america today. It over the ocean. Have to take a plane. So far away. And so much to do.

I have said it before and I will say it again. Charlie may have some mad athletic skills, but Kate....Kate has something so strong and amazing....creative art and expression.
I love this girl. Freckles to funky hair, to her 80s style of skirts and her dance the way she tries to make her brother the way she screams when upset..or calls me her shit mommy when she is mad. She is my everything.


a fallen thought said...

Love that little girl

Mama Deb said...

Awesome :) I can totally picture this scene.
Every time Brandon has been around Kate this past year he says, 'Kate's a really cute kid.' Can you tell he wishes he had a little girl, too?!