Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Kate: Oh Mommy, you should really shave your pitts, they stink
Me: First of all I shaved my pitts a month ago for the first time in years...see....barely any hair. Second of all, my pitts stink because I haven't take a shower or put on deodorant....because I am so busy caring for you and your brothers...
Kate: Oh Ok

Kate: Mommy I just yove (love) Alex's feet (grabbing one foot)
Me: Me too, honey. But when you are talking about just one it is a foot. And when you are talking about more than one it is called feet...
Kate: HUH? (when as much animation as a 3 year old can muster)....these one (his right) is a foot, but this one (his right) is a feet....that make no sense, because they both the same looking feet
Me: (shaking my head and laughing) When you are talking about just one it is a foot, 2 makes them feet.
Kate: Oh....(nodding) that is yo trange (so strange), they yook the yame, but called different
Me: Let's just keep walking or we will be late.

Maybe I shouldn't write about because it involves private parts. But this is my blog and I want to write it. So be warned.
We were playing memory and I was feeling tired and a bit cranky. Charlie was feeling like cheating (surprise, surprise) and Kate was being naked and exploring her girl parts.
Me: Kate, you can't touch your vagina while playing memory.
Kate: ok mommy i not
Me; Kate you can't touch your vagina while playing memory.
Me: Kate, if you touch your vagina and then pick up cards it is kinda gross for us all to then pick up the same card.
Kate: (thought about it).....ok yook. I will touch my vagina with this hand, and pick up the cards with this hand...yee...I big. I can pick up cards with just one hand.
Me: Fair enough

Yesterday while walking to school Kate ran full speed ahead down a steep hill and suddenly came to gutter that was a foot lower than the street. She had to leap into the gutter to avoid a major spill.
Kate: I a tough children, mommy.
Me: You are tough for sure, but your grammar sucks.

For my mom

Who hasn't seen my kids since Saturday....we are on day 4......these pics are for you.
For my mom who texts or calls every morning to see how drop off went, and then again to check every day how school went..
For my mom who drops everything every time when we storm through her door to cuddle my kids...
For my mom who plans her life around my work schedule so she can help watch my active kids..
For my mom who is always there to listen, and who loves unconditionally...
For my mom who always defends her grandkids when I call to complain about certain behavior (something I absolutely love, after all they are my kids and my greatest accomplishments)
We miss you when we are sick.

And we love you sooooo much...if they lined up all the mamas...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


A few months ago Charlie wanted to play soccer with someone on the deck. I replied that I would play, and he said something like I wasn't that good. Being the overly sensitive and at times defensive person that I am I shot back, "Are you freaking kidding me...I played varsity soccer all four years in high school." Not knowing what that meant he said: Mommy you are good at three things.....nursing the baby, cleaning the house, and cooking.
After that discussion I have gone out of my way to prove to him I can be a fast runner, strong swimmer and a fierce competitor at soccer.
A few weekends ago I asked him again...
Me: Charlie what are three things I am good at
Charlie: You are a good swimmer, a good cook, and good at being a nice mommy.
Thanks Charlie....I see definite improvement

Kate and I have been taking walks with Lily on the weekend while Adam and Charlie play soccer with our neighbors. On Saturday Kate ran up to a big bunch of Naked Lady flowers
Kate: Mommy, dese are naked yadies. Kinda like you if you were naked, which wouldn't be good cuz then everyone see your 'gina and your butt. and she giggles

Today on our walk Kate made it 10 minutes and started to slow down.
Kate: Mommy I tired
Me: hmmm, well we have to walk home, it isn't far
Me again: Kate I wonder what is happening you used to be the best little hiker and you are always slowing down and not wanting to walk.
Kate: (taking a breath and thinking for a moment) My yegs are not helping me out. Yee (see) yook.... (she walks super fast and then starts to slow down) they just slow down right away

Thursday, September 8, 2011

this baby boy

melts everyone's stores, school, among friends and family....we are all smitten

the chids

A few of you have asked for a blog...which is always nice. There have been many times where I have thought...oh I want to write about this....but I don't seem to have the time, energy or space to do it. So instead I give you a few recent pics.....the kids are amazing....charlie and kate have been playing so well together, alex is laughing, rolling both ways, and almost always smiling....we all can't imagine life without him...definitely worth the 20 plus weeks of feeling so very sick...

Charlie started kinder and is really enjoying it. We LOVE the program he is in, and feel right at home with his teacher's philosophy.

With Charlie at school every morning for 3.5 hours, Kate and I have been enjoying lots of conversations, playing, cooking, errands together, and mostly just loving on Alex

When the sun comes out we know how to celebrate:

A few days ago it was Kate's first day of nursery school. Charlie was so excited for her. I overheard him saying, "Preschool is fun, you are going to play a lot Kate. Kindergarten is trickier....there is a lot more work...but it is also a lot more fun." Then on the way to school Charlie was sad, "I am going to miss Kate while she is at preschool."

We have endured our fair share of sibling rivalry...but the past month or so I have watched these two once again unite and become best friends. They use their words (mostly), play using their imaginations, and work out their makes me so happy and proud.

As soon as we picked up Charlie from kinder (it was after Kate's first day at LN) Charlie raced up to Kate and said: How was Los Ninos? Was it fun? Who did you play with? Then they opted to enjoy lunch out on the deck and continued their talk their...

From inside I heard lots of giggles and came back out to find they were sharing the same chair