Tuesday, November 22, 2011


First off...Josh and I had a birthday. After a long day of Josh teaching and me parenting and tutoring, we got together for pizza, wine, and cake....the kids were so exciting to celebrate! It was a perfect night. We laughed, ate, chatted, laughed...and somehow (I will brag forever about this) we were able to put the kids to sleep before 7 with Josh here. Let us all take a good long moment to recognize how hot us berkies look...all 3....no double chins, no weird squinting or drool...

This post will be random because A. who has time to blog these days B. my internet is down and I can only use it from this one location in my house..which by the way has been a godsend as Adam and I now seem to spend most evenings by the fire (only heat in house) chatting and drinking rather than watching stuff on the internet...since we have no TV and lately no internet. sorry I am getting away from myself....here is Kate....helping me clean. Does she piss us off time to time when she stomps her feet and tells us to shut our mouths, or calls us shit mommy or shit daddy...sure. Does she take our breath away with her flexibility, creativity, sweetness, loving ways. Every. single. day.

The kids love science. who doesn't. Here they are in the early morn...reading zoobooks together. It makes 5 am all that much sweeter...

This photo is probably 6 am, charlie waiting for the waffles to turn green. See folks, when you go to sleep before 9 (that is me) and wake up right at 5...3 hours until school is enough time for cleaning the house, playing memory, and making waffles from scratch.

Charlie couldn't be a better brother. He adores Alex and protects Kate. He is inclusive, loving, great at sharing, and devoted. I couldn't be prouder of my big boy.

Alex is 6 months and I am already sad about it. He started scooting at 5.5 months and is into everything. Knowing he is my last perhaps contributes to the touch of sadness that comes from milestones that should be celebrated. I am NOT one of those moms who can't wait until her son is more grown up. If I could freeze time right now I would. Not just for my kids, but for my siblings, friends, and parents. I would revel in this time in space for a good while. And I am not a fool, I know things can change, loved ones can become unhealthy, unhappy...that life can throw a wrench into it all...but as of now....things are perfect...both in the family I created and the family I came from.....


They say that the first two years of a baby's live...the baby thinks it is truly part of the mom. I feel this way about Alex. He is an extension of me. I love him with everything I am. Everything I have learned the past 5 years. Everything. He embodies happiness. My heart literally aches when I think of who he already is. I agonized for over a year about whether to have a third. I judged larger families. I will forever LOVE adam for the mere fact that he agreed against his best judgment to have a third. Alex has created so much JOY in all of our lives. He has given the gift of love to Kate and Charlie who excel in their roles as older siblings. He has touched mama, pa, nonnie, and papa deeply, stolen the heart of his daddy, and he is so intertwined with his me that it pains me to imagine him any older than he is today.

And who doesn't like to paint from a princess's point of view...

Happy Winter...for this is the season to dive within and cherish those around you


I dig:
Adam getting up at the crack of dawn and rushing out to surf with my brother at Montara beach.
The sound of the water running as he fills up his container full of warm water. The water he will douse over his head once he is finished surfing. Two of my favorite men together, greeting the day together in one of my most favorite elements...the ocean.
I dig:
Attitude. It truly is everything. After a few harder days with my kids I once again stepped back and re-evaluated the situation. I realized that my attitude was off. I was reacting rather than responding (thanks mom), I was battling Charlie's mood swings with mood swings of my own. And so I dig change. The past two days have been wonderful, because I changed my attitude. I once again (when will I end this ebb and flow of my ways) came back to the fact that I am my kids' rock. My presence needs to stay calm, cool, and collective...because if I freak out how can I ever expect my kids to keep their cool. I dig taking deep breaths. Validating feelings. Giving rather than controlling. Love over fear. I dig learning as I go
I dig:
My body. I weigh more than I did pre-kid. I don't look the same. But I love my body. My body that grew, birthed, fed, and raised three kids thus far. My body that is strong enough to endure and excel in 60 minutes of spinning, 60 minutes of weight training, hiking with my family. I dig my health, my strength, my endurance, and my drive...even if I don't dig the extra 10 pounds.
I dig:
My family. The family I have created with Adam, the family I come from, and my friends who are like family to me.

There are times where I am tired, down, moody, and frustrated. But right now I am happy, balanced, grounded, love where I am....where I live..who I share life with...what I have become both professionally and as a partner, friend, parent, daughter and sister.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

nighttime face paint

Let's not talk about Kate's poor face. She was bothering Adam while applying Charlie's face paint and so I did hers...which I now know is NOT something I am skilled in.

and oldie but goodie

Just looking through years past and had to post these:

We love you Adam, and of course we love scarf man and wonder when he will visit us again....

Wednesday, November 2, 2011



I was relieved when Charlie said he didn't want to be a superhero for Halloween. Adam explained different scary characters that are associated with Halloween and sure enough Charlie was convinced Dracula would be the best choice. Adam spent a good 30 minutes working on Charlie's face paint before 8 am....and he did an amazing job.

In class...the kids getting ready for the school parade. A happy vampire sitting next to one of his best school buddies...Charlotte...afterall their name starts the same (what he told me on the third day of school)

After the fun parade all the other classes were piling back into their classrooms to begin parties full of sugary treats. Ms. Linda took her class on an hour long walk all through the back streets of Montara. We stopped at 2 rest homes and the kids sang and danced. Charlie busted some very cute and on beat moves right before I snapped this picture. Ms. Linda pointed out all the decorations on the walk, haunted houses that would be open that night, and took the kids by her house so they could show their parents while trick or treating. All Charlie did just that. We went to her house and after he said trick or treat he said in a shy but adorable little voice, "Do you know it is really Charlie and not dracula"

I had the best Halloween ever. I will try to track down a few pictures from our actual night. The kids were so happy and it was quite fun for the adults too.


Dress rehearsal

This picture captures the personality of my kids. Charlie is so sweet, thoughtful, smart and happy...but can be very intense whether he is concentrating on "work", playing sports, or arguing with us ;)

My first creative project in maybe forever!

I painted a chalkboard wall on a part of the playroom wall. And although it came out great and the kids LOVE it, it was a bit stressful. Why I decided to paint it with all three kids awake and "helping" is beyond me. But as soon as it was ready Kate began writing everyone's names and Charlie asked for math problems. They draw and write everyday....I am thinking a part of the kitchen next!