Monday, August 17, 2009

Kate's new words/phrases

My Turn _ I heard this clear as day this morning while Charlie was playing with a few friends here. It was her turn indeed....I was impressed that she already seems to understand how to use words like I, me, and my
Mommy do (last week Maria asked Kate if she called Charlie on the phone, Kate replied, "mommy do" I couldn't believe it.
IDIDIT! _I did it....
Charwee Owie (when charlie gets hurt)
Beep Beep Charwee (when she wants her bro to move)
Tha Daddy truck
Tha Charwee bike
cauuu ca di llll _crocodile, she attempts all four sounds
When Charlie talks to her, she says, "HUH? and then OOOOOO followed up by WOW"
No YiYEE (lilly) stop
Stop Charwee (when he rides his bike too far ahead of us)
vee bobbie (veggie booty)
ba bee bur (black bean burger)
A book
A boy
A girl
Mommy Go
Daddy Go
Thank you (without being asked)
paaa (paint)
read da book
Mommy up
Excuse me  (When she burbs, she says the word and does the sign, again without being prompted)

And she never stops singing, especially when we are trying to get her to fall asleep. Her favorite song this week is, Ring around the rosy. She only sings this part, " A ish A ish, da da down.... for Ashes Ashes we all fall down. It is quite cute.
It is crazy. Every day we hear new words and phrases


Ahhh, back to basics. And I love it. I found my way to waldorf living maybe 6 months ago, and like all things (except mothering) I drift in and out. For days, weeks, or months I try to follow the waldorf way of living: simplicity, rhythms, natural toys, breath in, breath out activities, and then just as quickly as I come into it, I find myself pulling away from it. I start taking more day trips to zoo and fun places for the kids. Missing naptimes due to extended bike rides and park visits. Drop my baking day, do to my 5 hour flop, cave to the temptation to buy cheap paint from target (only to return it a few days later). 
But the past week I have had a lot of time to think, read, and evaluate. One small conversation with a new friend instantly shot me back into what I am meant for. I love finding and using a rhythm that works for everyone. I love cooking all of our meals, and using the most natural, local, organic, and seasonal stuff I can find. I love watching Kate and Charlie paint with stockmar paints using real paintbrushes and real paper. I love seeing the look on Charlie's face when he holds up his finished product and says, "Want to hang this up in your room, Mommy?"
I love when days and days and days pass by and the TV has remained off and Charlie hasn't even asked to watch anything. I love telling stories to Charlie and hearing his ideas too. I love outside time followed by quiet activities. I love incorporating my chores into my day, inviting the kids to help, but feeling just as happy if they play together while I clean.
Somethings are natural for me, somethings are new. Like all new things it takes practice. I am not as crafty as I like, haven't found the motivation and time to sew and make clothes and toys like I want to. But that is a goal I will continue to meditate on. I haven't memorized verses or finger puppet shows, but know that when I do the kids will LOVE to join in. We haven't used our meal candles or night time candles for months, but that is ok.
Like everything in like it is a process, and ebb and flow, and in and out, and I will try to have the same amount of patience for myself as I do for my children.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Why nap?

when we could be rock climbing and hanging on bars.....


After all, we can just catch little catnaps on the dance floor.....

Or take little rests side by side....  
We love our mommy, and how patient she is with our "temporary" nap strike...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It pays to clean as a family

 I have always tried to incorporate the kids into doing housework, with two young kids there is no other way, if one of them wasn't in my ergo while doing dishes, or helping me sort laundry there would be some sort of conflict in another part of the house. And in traditional waldorf families housework is part of your daily rhythm. I love it. It really does teach kids the importance of teamwork and the importance of taking care of the things you own. I have been spending a good part of certain parts of my day cooking and cleaning lately, and it has been wonderful because for the first time ever the kids have been playing together for nice chunks of time without any big problems. 
Charlie has now been cleaning for 1.5 hours straight really. He has a wipe and he has scrubbed the floors, the windows, the tables. He even insisted on using the vacuum all by himself and did a great job on the playroom floor. This isn't a surprise he has always liked to "work" but this is the longest he has gone. He talks while he works, says things like "look at all these crumbs, this is hard work I got to clean it."

Kate continued to play alone while Charlie cleaned but then she decided to get a front row seat and watch and learn.

He has been scrubbing the floor under the carpet:

Paying great attention to detail, unlike his mom

Going the extra mile to get the job done. Look at the lower left hand corner, for some reason he needed to half lie on the couch to get the angle just right.

Using his calf muscles to stretch to higher areas:

Next came the dance floor, dirty feet make a dirty table

He finished his 1 hour and 45 minute cleaning marathon by dusting....

All this cleaning has made Kate so sleepy, HEY maybe she will nap today!
And I snapped this pics with my iphone. He kept saying don't take a pics mom, Im working. Nothing was posed....he is still cleaning....I can't help but to be proud.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

18 months

It is hard to believe but Kate is 1.5 years old. It seems like she has been with us forever, and yet really it has all gone by so fast. Most of you know Kate really well, she has been full of personality from the day she has been borning. Starting smiling and laughing at just a few months old and really hasn't stopped. I always said I wanted a spunky daughter who would be a force to reckon with, and that is just what I got. Every morning she races down the hall and around the corner to find me in the kitchen. She says her sweet HI and then sprints over for her morning hug and kiss (of course Charlie has a full time monopoly on my love and affection so this ends in one or both kids crying) but it still makes my day. From the moment she wakes up and until the moment she collapses in exhaustion she is going non-stop. She sprints around the island egging her brother on for a race, she climbs up on to the couch and runs from side to side, heaves her little body onto our dance stage coffee table, and her latest and greatest move is to climb from our coffee table to our chair.
She has more words than I can count and now has added some phrases to her vocab, like silly charlie, no lilly, up please, that daddy bike, that charlie bike, and today when adam went to get her to put her down for a nap she turned around and yelled BAD at Adam. 
As soon as she wakes up from her nap she runs around saying "where charlie" and will race to the window whenever she hears a truck thinking it is her daddy.
She is also often found at the top of the stairs hollering down to my parents: MAMA MAMA MAMA PA PA PA.
She has the silliest little dance moves and has perfected her side plank. She is full of energy, happiness and adventure. We love this little one!

She is curious, serious, and silly all wrapped up together.
Nothing keeps her entertained like her brother, here she is watching him on the airplane ride at Oakland zoo

Although she is crazy and runs everywhere, she also spends a lot of time focused on one thing. Sometimes when the house seems quiet it is because she is in the playroom with a big pile of books.

This past month has been big for the paint room at the dm, before it was chaos trying to keep her from painting other people's clothes, but this month she is finally ready to paint!

she charges all slides and hills

and it takes mad skills on my part not to loose her because she is always on the go

she loves to cook, even though it is really a pain because she puts her hands in my flour, pinches holes in my dough, and eats everything in sight.

She insists on walking up and down the stairs, which literally can take up to 10 minutes. I try to be patient but honestly it is annoying when you have a toddler waiting for a snack and a dog barking in the backyard.

She has watched her brother through potty training and sees him use the potty everyday, so naturally she is curious and can tell me when she goes pee or poop or when she has to go poop. I can hardly imagine a day without diaper changes......what would I do with all that extra time!

Like all tots she loves to be outside, and asks questions (in her own way of course) about flowers, plants, bugs, and her surroundings. 

I think her favorite foods right now are corn and artichokes, she LOVES salmon, beans, most veggies, and all fruits. It is strange she is so skinny because really I feed her all. day. long.

When people first learned about my second pregnancy or when they would spot me all over town with a itty bitty newborn and 19 month old they told me it would be hard the first year or year in a half. They were right. Actually the first 5 or so months were pretty easy. Kate slept in my ergo while I played with Charlie, we all laid down for naps together, and it went as smoothly as possible. It has been harder the past year, with Charlie learning to stay close and follow directions, and simultaneously Kate gaining independence. But the past month or so has been wonderful. Charlie is a absolute delight...of course he has moments throughout the day where he melts down, but he is smart, sweet to his sister,  and fun  to explore with. Kate is so communicative and smart and loves to play all day. Just today Charlie told us he wants 4 sisters, 6 brothers, 4 blakes and 6 brookes....can't promise that......but I am sure am happy with the 2 little ones I have. Happy 18 months Kate!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

franti funk

naptime funk

honorary Berkowitzes, an ode to rick and Alex


For the past few years Rick and Alex have been coming up from LA to visit for a weekend a few times a year. We grew up with Ricky, spent Christmases baking cookies with his mom, spent hours playing on an old wooden playset in the backyard with his dad, and spent countless hours looking at feathers, sliding down the stairs in sleeping bags, and running around the house with Ricky and his sister Katharine. Ricky no longer goes by Ricky, he is now Rick. It was hard for me to accept Rick as a grown up, since I have an imagine of him at age 4 that has stuck with me for over 20 years. I have come to really know Rick and his soon to be wife Alex over the past several years. They visit us from LA a few times a year, come for Thanksgiving, and we consider them family. When they are here they spend hours and hours playing with my kids, what else does a mother need? They make parachutes with the scarves, come for birthday parties, play with cars, run around the backyard, act silly, bake pies, talk jeans, and have fun. Thank you Rick and Alex for joining our family, for loving my mom as much as you do, and mostly for loving my kids as if they were your own. I am so excited to celebrate with you on the day of your wedding, look forward to you relocating here, and helping in any way that I can with your future children. When Rick and Alex come to town here is what you will find my kids doing:

you will find Charlie flying through the air

or playing a mean game of chase
you may even find Kate trying to tackle Ricky

and Charlie doing crazy jumps and flips over his back

you may find a good ole game of leap frog

or a competitive game of baseball

if you are lucky you'll catch Rick jumping over Charlie in an effort to escape during a wild game of chase.

you will find me with my hands free since these guys have everything under control
What you will always see if you visit while Alex and Ricky are here is something like this: My kids spending every second they can being loved by a few honorary Berkowitzes.....

Monday, August 3, 2009

Our kids playing over the past month...

We sit next to each other and pull each other down the slide...

We climb the tree together

We just started playing chase together, here we are chasing each other around the tree...

We get our hands dirty together....

and play "Here comes Charlie" at the park....

We "help" Aunt Kate plant herbs and flowers, until we mess everything up so much that she moves her project to a table we can't reach :)

We push each other around the backyard...

and learn the importance of taking turns.

We take walks to the park and bluffs everyday.
And if we are lucky we get to help Mommy punch down bread dough, that is always fun, helps us learn what we can and can't hit.

We wake up from naps and play together (when we are not fighting over who gets to be held by mommy)

We kiss each other in the middle of playing

We take baths every night before bed and although it usually ends up with one of us upset over being splashed, we do love bathing together.

We take turns on the swing and help push each other

When it gets hot enough we run around the backyard nudey rudey

And make each other laugh in the kiddie pool...