Monday, August 17, 2009

Kate's new words/phrases

My Turn _ I heard this clear as day this morning while Charlie was playing with a few friends here. It was her turn indeed....I was impressed that she already seems to understand how to use words like I, me, and my
Mommy do (last week Maria asked Kate if she called Charlie on the phone, Kate replied, "mommy do" I couldn't believe it.
IDIDIT! _I did it....
Charwee Owie (when charlie gets hurt)
Beep Beep Charwee (when she wants her bro to move)
Tha Daddy truck
Tha Charwee bike
cauuu ca di llll _crocodile, she attempts all four sounds
When Charlie talks to her, she says, "HUH? and then OOOOOO followed up by WOW"
No YiYEE (lilly) stop
Stop Charwee (when he rides his bike too far ahead of us)
vee bobbie (veggie booty)
ba bee bur (black bean burger)
A book
A boy
A girl
Mommy Go
Daddy Go
Thank you (without being asked)
paaa (paint)
read da book
Mommy up
Excuse me  (When she burbs, she says the word and does the sign, again without being prompted)

And she never stops singing, especially when we are trying to get her to fall asleep. Her favorite song this week is, Ring around the rosy. She only sings this part, " A ish A ish, da da down.... for Ashes Ashes we all fall down. It is quite cute.
It is crazy. Every day we hear new words and phrases

1 comment:

adam said...

2 posts in one day.

Kids must have gotten some good naps in.