Sunday, October 23, 2011

The zoo 3 second photo shoot

Last week was amazing. I pulled myself back towards my waldorf inspired parenting roots and picked a theme for each day. I exercised, grocery shopped, cleaned, and cooked while kids were either playing independently or in school. And then I dedicated 2 to 3 hours of each afternoon solely to the kids. Monday we baked. Tuesday we played board games. Wednesday we did crafts, and Thursday we went to the zoo.
While at the zoo the kids started to played on the big bronze bears. I saw a photo opp so I said, "Charlie, hold Alex and I will take a picture." He said, "No mommy I don't think that is safe." I responded, "Just do it" and I handed him his favorite thing in the world, his precious baby brother. I then snapped three pics as fast as I could. Seriously, it was less than 5 is the progression.

When I told Adam the story and showed him the 3 pics, he said, "Sarah, you can't put that kind of pressure on Charlie" Poor man was terrified when I set down the camera. I laugh everytime I think of it, but I also feel bad for him. And for those of you that know Kate well......

Monday, October 17, 2011

Ms. SassyFrass

I am pretty much convinced that my Kate is the coolest girl ever. She is tough, funny, smart, silly, adorable, fiesty and always having fun. Every time she brushes her teeth she opens her mouth wide and says :Shiny and clean? or Fresh and clean? She can swear like a sailor and even though we come down on her like a ton of bricks, on the inside we love it. I mean...really..there is a time and a place for swearing.
She loves her brother Charlie like no other. Just yesterday she got mad at me because I gently tried to explain that she can't really marry her brother. Kate: But I want to! I yove (love) him and I want to marry him so I can always be close to him. Mommy you married your brother! Me: Oh No, I married Daddy. Kate: He your brother. Me: No he is my husband.
Her grammar sucks and when we correct her she usually brushes us off saying something like: I can say it however I want. A few days ago she was painting and I was doing something in the living room. She dropped her paintbrush and said: GET IT. I said: Kate, how can you ask nicer? She replied: GET IT NOW. Felt so familiar
She loves to play creatively alone or with anyone. And she is making new friends everyday.
Her signature move is called Sassyfrass..not sure where it came from but she blurts out SASSYFRASS and does this pose that you can see in the folloing pics...
We love her!

my favorite time of the year

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Alex 5 months

Alex is 5 months, so hard to believe. I can't imagine not having a third. And despite the fact that several times a day I hear things like: Wow, you have your hands full....there is nothing I would rather have in my arms that my kids...except the occasional cold beer or glass of wine.
He is the happiest, most mellow, easy baby ever. He LOVES everyone. When I drop him off at the daycare to workout he jumps for joy at every stranger that flashes a smile at him. He laughs at his siblings all day long and is so wonderfully mellow as I take him to volunteer in Charlie's class, to stores, in and out of the car and just about anywhere.
Except at night.
I think I need a night nurse. Last night (and I do not exaggerate at all) we went to bed at 8 after a long day of p-fest fun. He woke up (yes I counted) 10 times between 8 and 10:30. And was basically waking up unhappy every 20 minutes. Let's hope this a phase because I can not continue to be a happy and healthy mommy on NO sleep.
He is crazy strong. Always jumping in our laps. He has been rolling both ways since he was 3.5 months and now is getting his knees under his body and lurching forward. Between rolling, scootching and twisting he can get anywhere.....perhaps it is time to think about baby-proofing.

We are all in love. And look forward to everything this little man will become

The things they say

My parents had a sleepover with the kids. My dad was trying to put Kate's pajamas on but it wasn't quite working out.
Kate: These jammies too small, but I sure look cute in them

While hanging out with my brother the kids were talking about college. Charlie was asking questions about college and careers:
Kate: I not going to college. I goin be a boxer so I can punch people for money

Last Thursday I spent almost all day with Kate and baby. We spent the first hour and half cleaning the house together. Kate was literally on her hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor. She kept saying over and over. "This is a hard job, but daddy will be so proud of us" Then after our cleaning we decided to take a nice long walk together, which with Kate turns into one hour long monologue. With Charlie on a school field trip, I really got to focus on Kate.
Kate: Mommy, do you see my pretty shadow?
Me: I sure do
Kate: You have a pretty shadow too.
Me: Thanks.

The other night I was hopping into bed when I heard Charlie call me. I jumped up with baby in my arms and went into his room. He wanted one more hug and kiss and then I was on my way. I was in my undies and tank top because I too was settling in for the night.
Charlie (in his most sweet and sincere voice): I like your ass mommy
Me: Thanks Charlie....but that really isn't appropriate
Charlie then starts to cry: Was it mean? I meant it nice
Me: It is ok honey. I know you meant it nice. Actually the new bodypump has a wicked lunge track and yes my bum is getting in better just isn't something you are supposed to say
Charlie: Ok mommy, love you

While talking about the ocean and beach with the kids last week our conversation turned to crabs.
Kate: I like crabs
Charlie: You do? You are not afraid of their big claws.
Kate. Nope. I like them clean, dead, and not sandy.
Me: Oh, you like to eat crab.

Kate has come to love the letter H. If you visit you will see it written on our pots out front, our bricks and against Adam's wishes, on our house all in chalk. She will spend the longest time making H people, huge gorgeous H's on paper, and painting H's too.
Kate: I got to draw H's (while sitting at the table doing so). It's a lot of work. But people have all H's in their names so I have to write it.

Me: Kate, did you have fun at nursery school?
Kate: Totally. Definitely.