Thursday, June 19, 2008


Part 2 of the Da and Pa entry.
Da is Josh for those of you who don't follow my sons dialect.
And Charlie has a sign that goes along with the name Da, it is hilarious. He does this running move where he takes his right arm bends it and jerks it forward and backward incredibly fast as if he is racing.
I like to think he does this sign when talking about Josh because he knows that Josh is a runner. Complete with a running outfit, little packets of go go juice, gummy bears, a visor, nipple protectors and much more.  A running geek, some may say. And so when Josh and Char hang out it is only natural that both stellar athletes run. And run. And run some more. So that is why I think Charlie has a running sign that goes along with Josh's name.
Have you seen Josh run? He is careful and deliberate. AKA slow. I really do think that in a race Charlie may actually beat Josh. Ok, enough ripping on the Uncle Da. He actually has completed two small feat.
Charlie adores Josh. He has been gone for almost a week now, and it is cute to listen to Charlie talk about him. I explained to Charlie that Josh went on a plane to visit can imagine his face when he understood for the first time that people actually flew inside those incredible objects soaring through the sky. And now everytime he hears a plane he does the airplane sign, makes the noise, and then mumbles....airp...and then da? he is asking me if Josh is coming home on that exact plane. I haven't tried to explain to him that he is actually taking a 10 day roadtrip back to Ca. with some friends.
Josh is one of my closest friends. We speak the same incredibly fast with a slight mumble language that most have a hard time following. He has been a sensitive, thoughtful, inclusive, and all around great big brother my entire life and I am delighted that Charlie gets to enjoy and love him. 
Josh is the most involved, loving, funny, and kind uncle, and I can hardly wait for him to embark upon fatherhood, because I know that he will follow in our father's footsteps.
Thank you Josh for taking the time to play, run, dance, and just be silly with my son. Role models like you will help shape my son until a caring, smart, thoughtful, and generous man.

night time parenting

Sarah: Charlie hasn't been sleeping as well lately, he has been waking up at least once, usually a few times.

Adam: Yeh, isn't that how it always is

Sarah: No way, he was sleeping through the whole night 8-5.....well for four days in a row he did

Adam: He is almost 2, sleeping 4 days in a row...(adam chuckles) How many nights in two years....(side note, adam isn't the best at math)

Sarah: Well, he has been alive for about 700 nights. So I guess 4 out of 700 isn't the best ratio

Fastforward to sometime in the middle of the night. I wake up look next to me and Adam is once again not in bed. Guess Charlie woke up and adam, being the dedicated and loving father that he really is, raced in there and spent the remainder of the night with a single bed....on the floor....sleeping next to a 2 year old bed hog.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I am really starting to LOVE all of these "holidays", if you can call them that. More like excuses for all the berks (and friends of berks) to get together, eat good food, drink mediocre wine, laugh, and most importantly all chip in and run after my wild child. I have a mad skill for somehow tracing everyone of these holidays back to me....for example: father's day. Don't I get props for picking a husband is really and truly is a gifted and wonderful father? Just like I gave my mom a hug and kiss for choosing my father to love and parent with. And, out of nowhere my sis Kate and bro Josh busted out two cookbooks for me as a late mother's day present.....
Ok, back to the post. Thank you Adam. From my heart of hearts thank you for agreeing to marry me, love me, and father two children in just two years with me.
Thank you for....
...taking Charlie out every evening when you get home from work to play basketball and garden. It gives me a much needed break, time with the baby, and time to work on dinner. And more than that it is the highlight of Charlie's day.
...always assuming the best of your son, not yelling, or getting mad, and being so incredibly playful.
....for taking the time to make your daughter giggle 
....for taking  Charlie to the zoo and enjoying every moment of it
...seeing eye to eye on every parenting issue thrown our way
....going hiking with us
....for getting on the floor with us and just being silly at night
...doing all of charlie's nighttime parenting for the past year or so, and not once complaining that you have a two year old who still needs some lovin' in the middle of the night
...for getting up and going to work everyday so that I can stay home and be with the kids
...loving me and appreciating me as a mom and wife
...being the best father I could imagine and still striving to be better

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Amy's wedding

Isn't she lovely?

Adam and I finally got a little weekend getaway. And guess what, for the first time in 5 years I think Adam truly saw why I loved Davis and what I miss about it. I think it was the drinking on campus, biking through campus to get back to Ellie's house (Ellie, you rock for letting us all stay there) and then walking with both kids in carriers to a late night party at amy's house (where we got to drink more, babies alseep on us and all). Amy's wedding was absolutely perfect. And I have to admit I was a little surprised being as she planned most of it in less than a week and I am guessing it cost less than 5 grand, quite a feat in California. 
I think of my wedding day and it was hands down one of the best days of my life. You would think being that I have two children that I have been married for many years, but actually it has only been two. For us it was way more than just a party, it was an incredible celebration of all the love, guidance and support we as individuals had received to get us to the point where we can merge together as one family. Our ceremony was based on our core values, our love for each other, our families, our communities and of the entire world. Our wedding set in stone the foundation that we live by everyday as Adam and I work together to raise our two beautiful children in a playful, loving, and healthy home. And I know that Amy's wedding captured the same things for her. Too bad mine cost so much more, we could really use that extra dough for a down payment (or a tiny fraction of one) :)

We had so much fun just being together celebrating love!
So here is another list. 13 amazing things about Amy and Corin's wedding in no particular order:

1. They had a bike progression (some call is procession, but I truly think progression makes more sense and sounds better). About 30 bikers including the bride and groom biked from the co-op where they live to the Oak Grove on campus, and it was awesome. Can't believe I didn't get a pic, but I did take video and will have that up in no time (yeh, right). Amy and Corin led the progression in a two seater bike thingy and it was really breath-taking. Josh, his gf Sarah, and our friend Dan were among the bikers.

2.My dad married them. He was great. He was thoughtful, wise, funny, and spoke as clear as day. I think he should take it up as a part-time job. Let me know if you are getting married and need a cute Jewish man to do the job!

3. Grupps, their dog...halley's sister....was the ring barrier (spelling?). She patiently waited until it was her turn and raced up to her owners to deliver their beautiful rings (as a side note their rings had a landscape carved into it, and it was beautiful!)

4. My whole family, minus my mom :( , was there. Not only was it fun to eat, drink, and be merry with my peops, it was a huge plus for me and adam to have Pa-Doe, Da, Aunt Na, and Sarah chase after Charlie instead of us. Thinking back now I think I played the I-have-baby-in- the-sling-card a little too much.

5. There were ducks and it was a gorgeous day. The ducks entertained Charlie just fine while the laggers took forever to break on the wedding scene. The laggers being Amy, Corin, an  the bikers. Which reminds me I should have roasted Amy during the toast about the fact that she is always late and that when she says she is almost ready, it means she has to brush her teeth (damn that girl brushes those teeth a long time, a dentist would be proud, me annoyed), brush her hair, pack her backpack, get her clothes on, eat some food, drink some get the point.
6. There were regular new flush toilet bathrooms. At first they were talking about getting married on a farm and renting outhouses...yuck. 
Can you see an older grandparent using an outhouse?

7. The baby slept most of the time in the sling (something she usually hates being in) and then was happily held by dad during my roast, I mean toast

8. The food was a potluck, and it was an incredible spread. Mostly vegetarian, I am sure organic based on the crowd, and delicious (or so I was told, I was too nervous to eat due to the impending toast)

9. The flowers were local, organic and the best wedding flowers I have ever seen. Again should have gotten a pic.

10. Amy's mom played the harp. Love the family/friend involvement in the ceremony and celebration

11. Amy and Corin's vows were personal, touching, and funny. I am sucker for personal vows written individually and expressed emotionally.

12. There were lawn games such as bochi ball, red rover and this string fling game. Charlie kept interupting to throw the balls.

13. Lastly, I was not pregnant and therefore could proudly throw back 3 beers.....ahh that felt nice and made the toast all that much easier.

Love you amy and corin, will miss you dearly!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sweet Mammas Milk

Just now my almost 2 year old son ran up to me. He did the milk sign, made the breast pump sound effect and said Mommy.....I asked him if he wanted some milk and went towards the fridge. He leaped in front of me, said "no" to the fridge and once again repeated his sentence: milk, pump, mommy.
So....I pumped some milk. While pumping he was quietly sitting in the corner of the room reading, as soon as I turned the pump off he looked up said "Yeh?" and ran right over. He downed my milk straight from the container I pumped it into, all in one gulp (like his daddy chugs a beer) and then said, "AHHHH". He handed me the container, ran off to his room, and is playing once again.
Sweet Mammas Milk!
p.s. he is also very good at pushing the baby's mouth onto my breast to help her nurse

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Whats up with 5:12

Every freaking morning at exactly 5:12 for the past week my son has woken up and wanted to start his day. Last night he went to sleep just after 9, after running around and play with Teve, Da, Mama, Pa, and Aunt Na for 4 hours. Work with me Charlie. 5:12, come on......what about 6:12 that is a great number and a wonderful time to start your day.
Am I happy that it isn't 4:12? Sure
Am I happy that I get to spend another long day with my son? Sure
Am I happy to once again wake up at 5:12 after not sleeping too well? No
Am I practicing the art of early rising? not today folks, I am pissed.
No, ok I am not pissed, how could I be...just exhausted.
Oh, and guess what...little kate is following in her brother's footsteps, for the past several morning she too has decided to wake up at the butt crack of dawn.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Out and About Once Again

We've all been sick, and for those of you who wish to become parents or are contemplating parenting two in the near future, one piece of advice...never get sick, never let your children get sick....j/k, but really it sucks big time. Now that we are all healthy again we have been charging non-stop and Charlie and Kate have had 4 days of action packed fun.

we went to a bday party at a fire station. charlie was bouncing off the walls the  whole time

we have been gardening, even more so when daddy isn't around and can't kick us out of the garden.

We went to the discovery museum with our good friends marissa and joaquinn
Charlie's best friend Joaquinn

We are glad to have our health back just in time for Aunt Kate's return from her trip to Asia, we have missed her so much the past 3 months and can't wait to go out and have fun with her!