Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Out and About Once Again

We've all been sick, and for those of you who wish to become parents or are contemplating parenting two in the near future, one piece of advice...never get sick, never let your children get sick....j/k, but really it sucks big time. Now that we are all healthy again we have been charging non-stop and Charlie and Kate have had 4 days of action packed fun.

we went to a bday party at a fire station. charlie was bouncing off the walls the  whole time

we have been gardening, even more so when daddy isn't around and can't kick us out of the garden.

We went to the discovery museum with our good friends marissa and joaquinn
Charlie's best friend Joaquinn

We are glad to have our health back just in time for Aunt Kate's return from her trip to Asia, we have missed her so much the past 3 months and can't wait to go out and have fun with her!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

love the fire hose picture! I bet he is strong enough to hold it himself too :) I can't wait for the babies to be old enough to play together! It will be so fun and cute! We need to get them together as much as possible. I hope they will be good little friends and close cousins :)