Friday, May 30, 2008

the art of early rising

The art of early rising. It truly is an art to wake up morning after morning when it is still dark and begin your day. Hours before you should. Especially when your day ended late and there were a few interupptions during your night. 
I have come to enjoy the early morning. I see the sun rise, hear the birds wake up, feel the cold air slightly warm, and most importantly watch my son start another day full of energy, life and sometimes crankiness.
You have to prepare yourself. It is an ongoing thing.
Upon first waking up (which is normally between 4 and 6) I get that giddy feeling I had growing up and while in college. I think it is rooted in the fact that until I started having kids waking up when it is still dark out meant I was going somewhere....skiing, camping, travelling, backpacking...somewhere distant and exciting. Do you remember that feeling? You probably still get to live it.
These days my trips are much shorter, like down the hall into Charlie's room. The giddy feeling only lasts a moment before reality sets in.
Then the storm hits. Charlie wants me to snuggle in HIS bed (shouldn't have moved him out of ours...right?) the baby feels deserted that I left her alone in my bed.....and decisions have to be made quickly. Adam being super dad tries to quietly soothe the baby while I help charlie transition from sleep world to wake world. But without my stellar smell and lactating breasts, it only lasts minutes. 
This is the pivotal point. I have to stay calm and practice condifence as I bring a the baby into charlies room and settle down between two babies in one small bed...on the floor.
Once we get past these first few minutes of chaos....things settle into place. Nurse baby down. give baby back to dad. And Charlie and I start our routine.
Here are some tips to the art of early rising:
1. First things first: Make a big ass cup of strong coffee...filled to the brim. Is there anything better than 5 in the am? NO!
2. Surrender to the first few hours, who knows if charlie will entertain himself or I will spend 2-3 hours playing puzzles, cars, and making pretend food.
3. take advantage of the times where charlie is playing independently to surf internet, email and blog....a true tip to early rising....
4. Take the 5 minutes to clean the kitchen. Clean counters and an empty sink create true peace in a house.
5. Look outside frequently and notice the little change in your natural surroundings.
6. Know that by the time everyone else is waking up and starting their day you have already done so much!

1 comment:

Amy Z. said...

Just reading about being awake at 4 am makes ME want a 'big ass' cup o Joe.