Thursday, May 29, 2008

Too cute, and a peak at what lies ahead

So, yes we have had a challenging few weeks. Between Charlie being very sick, my mom hospitalized, the whole family getting a nasty virus, to my mom being hospitalized once again, it has been a bit challenging to say the least. 
But during that time of sickness I have been a witness to many adorable things.
First of all the baby is growing and changing everyday. She is rolling onto her side and grasping and playing with toys. She smiles, coos, and laughs throughout the day. Her favorite person in the world is her brother. Just last night she was upset and charlie started to try to cheer her up. He looked at her and started laughing, loo and behold she started to laugh right back at him. The laughing back and forth between my two children was priceless.
Charlie has quite the sense of humor as well. His new silly thing he likes to do is grab the babies little hand wave it at me and say HIIIII MOMMY, and then he giggles. He also likes to make crazy faces, dance, jump, and just be silly.
He is also counting to five officially now. While on the phone with Julia the other night he was throwing pasta at lilly: Woon, Dou, Weee, FOOOOR, FIIIIVE, one at a time laughing in between each throw. Some moms might be unhappy about food being chucked around our living room, I was proud for three reasons: 1. He has developed strong number sense 2. He cares a lot about animals to keep them from starving (have you seen our starving dog as of late) 3. He has a wicked arm that I believe will help us pay for college.
This morning while making a cup of jo, I looked over at the kids and saw charlie fully engaged in a conversation with the baby. He was asking her if she wanted a toy, then he asked her if she wanted to get out of the swing. I guess he took a smile and coo as a yes, because next thing you know he was trying his hardest to lift her out of the swing. I got there just in time.

Charlie also likes  to sit on his sister, good thing she is a brut and he is skinny melink.

He likes to kiss her, pat her back, and hug her too. He is also very protective of her when other toddlers want to see her.
They will be best of friends in no time I am sure of that. I cherish my relationship with my brother and sister and look forward to creating a home where my son and daughter will cherish each other as well.

1 comment:

adam said...

You are the best mom EVER!!!

No wonder our kids are fantastic.