One day you wake up at 6:30 (charlie now sleeps in until 6:30ish, much better than 5:12) and you dread (that is too harsh of a word) the next 12-14 hours. You wonder what you will possibly do with two young kids from dusk to dawn and beyond. You feel badly that your littlest doesn't get great naps because your oldest needs to play outside around other toddlers. You open your fridge and even though you just spend over 100 at New Leaf you can't find anything to feed your toddler. You look around and think man this house is a mess, didn't I do the dishes, put away all the toys, do 3 loads of laundry, and vacuum yesterday. And yet you get through the day. You put your baby in the ergo (where she has 2 short naps), put your toddler in the stroller and go. You go because you have to when you are a mom. There are no mental health days, no I-can-blow-off-work-today days. No sleeping in till noon when you have small children to care for. And so you just do it. And after you go for 14 hours and both kids are asleep once again, you think my kids are so damn cute.
See, mothering is so damn odd because after a day like I just described you go to sleep and wake up and it is a whole new day. You wake up feeling refreshed this time. It is 6:30 and you are going to charge all day long and love every moment of it. You make coffee and healthy cookies before the clock strikes 8. You play with your son while you clean every inch of your house (minus our room of course-i mean you have to have a place to put all of your crap, right) You invite friends over for a last minute playdate and have a great time socializing with 6 kids and 5 adults in small apartment. You have healthy food to feed your family at lunch time, get your baby down for a good nap (by the way let it be known that little kate fell asleep on her own today without any crying..for those that don't know me...I can't let my children cry, it is like I am allergic to it or something), and then 30 minutes later you get your toddler to sleep by reading two books and lying down with him for less than 10 minutes. And you sit down on your couch in your somewhat clean house with both kids alseep and then damn mothering rocks!
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