Tuesday, November 4, 2008

the moment of truth..hopefully

i couldnt sleep last night, and even here tucked underneath a blanket next to my most precious sleeping daughter I still can't sleep. My soul, every inch of it is ready, ever so ready to be truly proud of my country and americans in general (the majority of them at least). My soul is ready to look forward, is ready to leap into the future. 
I wait nervously though. never underestimate the corruption that plagues the neo-conservatives. The karl roves that stole the past two elections. Ahh but this may be a landslide, so big of a win that even horrible crimes of election fraud could not swing this vote right one more time.
I feel even a little bit sorry for all of those people out there that voted for the other ticket. In their hearts they probably don't even like McCain (he is liberal conservative) and don't believe Palin has the experience. Is it that they aren't ready for a BLACK president? Or are they so programmed every step of the way that they can't think outside the box enough to put partisan politics aside and truly vote in their best interest. It isn't my business, and as much as my heart goes out to those who didn't vote for obama, a small sassy part of me says, HA it is our turn.
I hope.
I really hope that this is a fair election, that tonight surrounded by the people i love the most,  I can do my obama dance. That I can look at my children as I am putting them to sleep tonight and think....your future may not be as bleak as I originally thought. Maybe your mom will get good health care soon that is affordable. Maybe our public schools will get the funds they need to be better. Maybe your mom will get a fair salary when she returns to teaching. Maybe we will all see these two unjust wars end, and that that money will be spent on helping rather than killing families. Maybe Kate and Charlie, polar bears won't go extinct in your lifetime, maybe the world will once again learn to trust the US and we can all work together to fight global warming.
Won't it be nice? To trust your government? To believe your president when he speaks? To hear your president complete a sentence?
And if for some unknown reason we loose tonight I will wipe away my bucket of tears and look around and be thankful for all the people out there that came together and worked hard for this day..even if it didn't turn out the way we hoped it would.
and as for california, I pray to the universe that prop 8 doesn't pass. I pray that when people go to the polls today they will remember our constitution, remember separation of church and state. I hope that people will realize that love is love is love, and marriage and the institution of marriage, the commitment and stability it creates is good for all of society. And if it does pass I will hold my head up high and look forward to a day when all forms of love are accepted, encouraged, and celebrated. For it was not too long ago that people didn't want women to vote, didn't wantAfrican-Americans to vote, didn't want interracial marriages.....and I believe that homophobia is the next huge hurdle to overcome.
So tonight, if love surpasses fear, if acceptance overcomes hate, if "change" beats "more of the same" I hope you will raise a glass with me. To Love!


adam said...

I'll raise a few glasses with you!!!

Unknown said...

I couldn't sleep last night either. BUT WE DID IT! Hooray!!!!! I am absolutely thrilled and I know you are too! xoxoxoxoxo

Mama Deb said...

Yes, we can...well at least on one front. So happy about Obama. Can't believe it on 8. Drinks soon to celebrate our children's futures?