Thursday, February 19, 2009

101 posts

(just realized, that I have not published all 101 posts, so for you out there who went ahead and did the math, I think I have only posted around 90, some posts are for my eyes only!)
101. That is hard to believe. this is my hundredth and one post. that means 101 times I pulled myself away from my children, the kitchen, the playroom, the piles of toys scattered about, the laundry on the floor, away from my book, my everything to come here and digest what I am going through, how I feel, what went wrong, what improved, and what I have learned. Thats cool. I am proud of that. i may rarely take videos and when I do, never put them on my computer or send them to family, I may never print my pictures, never make an album, scrapbook, or baby book, but I have this blog. And more than anything it is my journal. one day I will buy some ink and print every page, complete with pictures and all. a recording of my journey as a mother. what an incredible trip it has been.
Lately, I have been wonderful. My kids are at a slightly challenging age. Kate is fully mobile, starting to communicate, very opinionated, and is struggling with sleep lately, making her for the first time in her whole life, fussy. Charlie is full of life, as he says, "I got energy!" He wakes between 445-5:30 every morning and runs nonstop until his 2-3 hour nap, and then goes strong until bedtime at 7:30. So between these two wonderful beings I am quite busy. Tack on cooking nonstop, always cleaning, taking trips, and trying to think of creative arts and crafts for charlie and my mind is always racing.
so 101 down, and many more to come, for my next 100 posts I aim to add some videos and more pics of these very cute kids.


Pam said...

Precious moments take precious moments to memorialize...but they will become even more precious when you wish you could snatch them back, and they are gone. Time well spent Sarah, and I look forward to your next 100!

sarah said...

Thanks pam, that is a very thoughtful and kind thing to say...thanks!

sarah said...

Thanks pam, that is a very thoughtful and kind thing to say...thanks!