It dawned on me recently that just because it is cold and foggy in HMB doesn't mean it is that way everywhere. Some of my friends have been talking about how wonderful the parks over the hill are and so today, despite not sleeping at all last night, I packed up the kids and went searching for some sun.
I have been struggling with the desire to stay close to home and stick to our daily routine vs. the strong desire to pack everything and everyone up and spend a day running around somewhere new. I do feel more balanced, the house is cleaner, more food gets cooked, and everyone is better rested when we stay home, but I also have so much fun with these two guys when we are out and about.
Hopefully I will sink into a routine that incorporate both things.
My hope was that I could spend a few hours running around at this new and wonderful park, and the drive would be short enough so that both kids would not fall asleep in the car, and therefore I would get at least an hour to rest recharge once we got home. no dice. Kate slept for 30 minutes in car and it is 3 and charlie has not napped.
But we had so much fun!
Ten reasons I love Stulsaft park in Redwood City
2. There was a water area with crayons that shoot up water. Your handprint makes the water shoot out, which was fun for Charlie who for some reasons didn't feel like getting wet, but loved watching all the other kids get wet.

3. They had swings, which is a mother of two's easiest part of playing at the park. You have both kids right next to each other and your only job is to push, pretend they are kicking you, and do underdog, which by the way the baby loves and said over and over, "un un dog"

5. The park was completely little toddler friendly, meaning Kate LOVED playing in the water, the climbing structures were safe, and I felt at ease with both kids running around and playing.

6. The park is on over a hundred acres. I am not sure why I felt motivated to go on a hike down to the river. I had both kids, two towels, a sweatshirt in my arms, a large diaper bag, all forging down a very steep hill.

7. They had these long slides that were fun, and a fun ramp to run up and down right under the slides.

9. They water area made a great drinking faucet for a hot, tired, and thirsty baby.
2.5 hours went by fast, Kate ran around and had so much fun that she fell alseep twice on the swing.
Kate really fell asleep in the swing? Too funny.
awesome!!!!! a new park??? looks like so much fun. redwood city? mice. i mean nice. mice would be cool though.
i love, love, love that kate fell asleep on the swings. that is awesome. i want to go there! it looks amazing. lets make a trip.
fell asleep twice, it was nap time and hot and she was so relaxed in the swing, she stayed in that swing for almost 30 barely moving, dozing on and off..watching kids play, it was great.
I have been wanting to go there since Melany mentioned it!! Want to go soon?
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