This morning has been rough. Charlie has had two meltdowns almost unprecedented. Adam is playing one out of four matches this weekend, and it was delayed by an hour, so he will be gone a good chunk of today and tomorrow. And I am tired.
Too much fighting over toys, playdough, mommy for me to handle. But the last 20 minutes have quieted down and both kids are really focused on their "work". Charlie put on his hard hat and worker man vest, got his tools and has been walking from room to room saying, "Mommy, I'm fixin yumthing" and "I gotta get to work" and "That ok, you take my wrench Kate"
Funny how a little man can be so out of sorts for two hours and then so sweet, focused, and creative the next minute....
Checking out his tools...
And Kate is very focused in the kitchen. I had to giggle seeing this scene, girl in the kitchen, boy fixing things. Right before I snapped this shot she said, "toast mommy?"
It has been so much fun to watch them play with the toys we have collected over time. People think we spend a fortune on these toys, but honestly most are gifts from grandmas, and hand me downs. The only we have purchased is our kitchen, some kitchen goods, and a few wooden trucks. We got the table, castle, and other things as hand me downs. This Christmas I have been thinking long and hard about what to add to our collection. I have narrowed it down to dress up clothes and dolls.
But it isn't alway split by gender, before Charlie realized so much had to fixed, Kate found the dress up basket and got to work. Not sure why the lower lip during this pic, she was happy before and after the pic.
The time we spend playing we mostly read, make things in the play kitchen, play dress up and play with the parking garage.
Let's hope the rest of the day is like the last 20 minutes, because if it is like the first 3 hours, I won't make it until 7.
1 comment:
Feeling this way in the A.M. is not a good sign for a mom....hard days.
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