Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I haven't been blogging. I am just too busy exercising, playing, baking, dancing, painting, tutoring, biking, and visiting with family and friends.
Some of you have asked for some posts, and I really appreciate you going out of your way to let me know that you read and enjoy stories and pics from my life. But honestly, it is hard. I don't have the time to just sit down and write anymore. Life is just moving much too quickly.
And know that a lull in blogging usually means I am using those few moments of downtime to knit, hang out with Adam, or clean up the house.
These past few weeks I have been spending a lot of my time really appreciating where I live, how I live, the people I live with, and the family and friends around me.
Just this past weekend I had my three best friends call and visit and I felt so incredibly lucky to be able to hike with Ellie, play settlers with Jackie and Rob, and enjoy an afternoon beer in the sunny backyard with Amy.
And as always I am so in love with our town. I have more friends that I have time, and I love watching our kids grow up together. I have a solid group of strong, open-minded, caring women that I am proud to call my "mom friends". I have my brother and sister who are doing amazing things like biking from SF to LA to raise money for AIDS and running half marathons along our breath-taking coast.
We have our garden that adam cares for everyday. The kids are eating potatoes, strawberries, peas (well 1 so far, but you catch my drift) from the garden. And I enjoy watching things sprout from the ground and grow everyday.
We are camping at least once a month and enjoying every second of our trips.
We are watching K and C become best friends and feeling like our method of parenting is really paying off.
We are going to beaches, parks, hiking spots, and deep, dark forests.
We are living each day to its fullest.

Some pics from the past few weeks...

We got to spend a few days visiting with C and K's cousins, which is always fun.

Have I mentioned how inseparable these kids are....

This little girl melts our hearts everyday with her complete happiness, adorable songs, the way she has memorized complete books, her faces, dances, sense of humor. She is a true gift to everyone who crosses her path.

And Charlie is so smart, creative, sweet (unless he is tired or hungry, then stay clear), and athletic. He spends his days outside, looking for bugs to care for, worms to save from puddles....and sometimes ants to smoosh....sigh

Want to see Adam's great smile? Catch him in his garden, hiking with his kids, or on the tennis courts and you will see one happy dad.
and as always our hikes end like this...

Where else can you get ready to watch Uncle Josh run by at 8:30 in the morning and have this as your backdrop...

This pic sums up our girl, come here and you will find her either naked or dressed up, but you will always find her in dirt, mud, sand, or grass.

Who doesn't like some yoga first thing in the morning on the beach. Downward Dog...
And you will find our son trying to look his coolest, and always running....he is one strong dude...

We are busy from the moment we wake up to the moment we collapse in exhaustion, but we are happy.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I was wondering when the next post would arrive. They do so brighten my day! Love you.