Saturday, August 14, 2010

I spent all last week in bed. 8 full days in bed with a fever of 100-102. Pneumonia seriously sucks, especially when you have little kids.... I am very rarely sick, infact I think that was the first time I had a fever in 5 years, and I hope the last for another 5 years.
This week I was so relieved to be back to my normal self (minus the exhaustion and cough) and I was very happy to be spending each day and all day with my kids.
Usually waking up to a super cold, foggy, and drippy day in the middle of summer doesn't phase me, but this week I was less than thrilled. I was eager to be outside and soaking up the sun.
So we did what we usually do when we are in need of fun in the sun. We headed out of hmb just about every day.
We had such fabulous days that by the end of the week I was A. very exhausted, and B. slightly sad that in the next two years my time will be very limited and the days where we can just pack a lunch and sunscreen and head out for the day will be few and far between.

This was our week:
Tuesday and Thursday we headed to Stafford Park in RWC to enjoy the wonderful play structure, and water features. My kids are very fun to observe. Charlie made three different sets of friends. Here he is showing Kate and another little girl (whom I have never met) an airplane. Later he followed a pack of boys around with their remote control cars, he then spent 20 minutes playing frisbee with teenagers, and finally he made friends with a dad and his three sons and played a great game of three flies up.

When the water started to spray the kids went wild. They spent the entire hour doing laps around the circle, or racing through the sprays. They were giddy, I think it is a combination of the sun, the water, and having me back.

As always my pictures are taken with my iphone, and when I put them on the computer I realized that almost every pic I had of the kids in the water they were in mid-air.
And as always when we are outside and having fun these kids are inseparable. They are best friends, which is why I choose to spend my days out and about. Because when they are home the bickering, and fighting begins.

Wednesday we met up with some of my best mom friends in town and had a picnic in the enchanted forrest. Kate was the only girl, running around playing happily with 6 boys. They made little forest homes, and fought green goblins with their sticks....I am very lucky to have such great moms to spend my days with, and am equally lucky that Charlie plays so well with their sons.
Charlie was all smiles in the woods. We spent three hours and he had this big of a smile the entire time.

Charlie and Kate's good friend sweet. When I snapped this pic with my phone Ian said, "she is not even my sister, but she loves me like she is" This is true, Kate adores Ian.

On Friday we spent the day in Sausalito, and as you can see in this picture there were clouds and it was slightly chilly, but there was sun poking through and doing a good job warming us up. The discovery museum is hands down the coolest place in the bay area to take young children. The playground is huge and all natural.

K and C both went up and down these stump stairs over and over again.

The pretend tidepools provide lots of great fun.

The train and boat room is amazing, the kids played with this train set for about 30 minutes.

Charlie worked so hard on this outfit, a space suit, a star shield, and a sword, because you never know when you might have a battle in space. He told Adam this morning that he is king of the star world....
The painting/sand room is also very fun, both kids take this painting/spraying/wiping job very seriously....

Thanks to Adam I got to sneak out of the house two mornings in a row at 6:30 and spend two hours walking different beaches searching for beach glass. A great way to start the day.

So while I am tired, and still can't exercise or take a deep breath, I am very grateful that my health has returned, and even more grateful that I am able to share my days with my kids.

1 comment:

a fallen thought said...

I am so happy you are healthy again, and obviously the kids are too. You three have the best adventures. You are the best mom.