with the kids doing so much, saying such great things, and me growing and changing as a mom everyday it is odd that I am not posting, because truly there is so much to say.
But for today I will stick to funny things:
Funny thing #1:
A few weeks ago at swim class a little boy just under 3 ran up to Kate while she was in the shower and he roughed her up a bit, then minutes later he ran back over and for no reason yelled, SHUT UP to her. I wasn't the least bit surprised because well, kids do random things. Well, Kate did what any normal little person would, she smacked him in the chest. Of course it wasn't my proudest moment, but if your kid yells at my daughter and gets in her face, chances are her, she will stick up for herself....by hitting.
So about an hour later right before nap I put her on the potty and said, "Kate, remember how G grabbed your tummy and yelled shut up at you? That made you mad. I understand why. But we really can't hit people, it hurts?"
With her adorable little body parked on the toilet she looked up at me with her big blue eyes and said, "How bout we don't talk about it right now?" I said, "fair enough" After all she was trying to poop.
Funny thing #2:
I took the kids to the park one afternoon after Charlie's nursery school. Charlie was playing with his new girl crush M, and I was meeting her father. A few minutes later my dad drove by and decided to stop by and come into the park to watch the kids play (as if seeing them and playing with them daily isn't enough for him...cute dad). Charlie looks at Pa, smiles, and then walks right past little M's dad and says so causally while pointing over his shoulder, "that guy lives with me"
Funny thing #3:
Yesterday I turned 11 weeks and had my first good day in 6 weeks. I woke up, shot off a million rocket balloons, made play-dough with the kids, then we made cookies, then we went bike riding, to the park, and out for Gelato. All by 12. Then we went back to the park, and after that Charlie played with all his friends at Nursery School. On the way to nursery school Charlie asked if it was getting to be night time. I explained that even though we had done so much, and had such a great time, we still had 6 hours of fun left in our day. He replied, "Ok, I think I am going to use up the rest of my energy at Los Ninos."
After dinner he was talking with Adam. Adam asked him how his day was, Charlie answered,
"It wasn't a magical day." to which Adam said "No?" Charlie replied, "No, it is not like I saw any rabbits coming out of any hats..."
So I guess that is what it will take for me to create a magical day for my boy
Funny thing #4
Charlie, Kate and I were picking out bedtime books. Kate looked at Charlie's hand and said, "Charlie got a pinter (splinter) on his thernar eminence. The last time I heard her say that many weeks ago when charlie painted pretend blood on his thumb. This little girl will accomplish anything she sets her mind to. She knows many medical names for body parts, and has been asking me to teach her spanish. The other night for her 10th song she asked me to sing twinkle twinkle in Spanish. I tried to fool her by singing the itsy bitsy spider in spanish because I don't know how to sing twinkle twinkle in spanish. I even tried to put it to the tune of twinkle twinkle...but I am not too musical. She loved the song, but when I was done she looked me dead in the eye and said, "That wasn't twinkle twinkle in panish."
Funny thing #5
When kate messes something up, spills, or has any kind of unfortunate accident she says, "OH SHIT" The first few times Adam cracked up and asked her over and over: what did you say. Can you say a little reinforcement ADAM! Charlie doesn't say it, and I try my hardest not to swear (out loud at least). After the initial cuteness wore off (ok, it never will with her high pitched squeaky voice), we tried to correct her saying, "Oh shoot" Most of the time now she says "oh shoot" but last night she spilled her water on Charlie's bed and said "Oh shit" I calmly said, "you mean oh shoot" She said, "No, I mean oh shit" I get it though. There is a time a place for a word like shit, like when you stub your little toe on the corner of a wall...or.....spill water on your big brother's bed...she is a fast learner.
Funny thing #6
Let's preface this by saying I am officially stumped by age 4. I have loved every stage up until now, and having days like yesterday and today I can honestly say that there are many many many wonderful things about a four year old boy. Like how curious he is, the questions he asks (mommy what is stronger metal or a house? What if the house was on top of a hill and then rolled all the way down), the way he can play for up to an hour with k so wonderfully, switching between playing babies and superheroes. But the attitude, sensitivity, meltdowns are like nothing I have ever experienced before. And the things I hear him saying (along with other 4 year old boys) "I don't want to play with you" "You are not my friend". After going to the park with Nonnie and Charlie telling some random boy that he wasn't his friend, my mom had a conversation with Charlie. Charlie told my mom plainly, "Mama, I can't be friends with everyone." I thought it was a great answer. He is quite popular at preschool, and really we can't be friends with everyone...
Funny thing #7
A few days ago K hit right below her eye really hard on the corner of a picnic table while on her balance bike. My mom asked her last night, "Kate how did you get your black eye?" Kate said so matter of factly: "No, look in my eye. (she opened her eyes super big and pointed to her pupil), it got a lot of blue in there." Guess she doesn't know what a black eye is.
These kids aren't obedient. Not the best listeners. Not great at owning up to their mistakes. But they adorable, funny, spunky, strong, sweet, and very real little people. And I am proud to be their mommy.
Oh at Last! I've been waiting years for a new post - I've been checking every day, and finally it came! It's like Christmas with out the tree. ;-)
thanks for all the funny stories! I love them all. Blake is going to miss having his two cousins at his birthday! We don't know anyone here and I just keep remembering how Charlie and Kate were always there for a good scream and running crazy at every party with Blake!
Hysterical....a good belly laugh for so early in the morning! "That guy lives with me" will keep a smile on my face all day long! And, just so you know, Kate did correct herself two times at my house by saying OH SHOOT after the slip.
Those were great. This reminds me that I need to start blogging about/documenting the great things that B says rather than just focusing on the stressful things on our lives :)
Needed that...those moments are little gems so way to go in documenting them! It makes me wonder what I've been too busy and missed the kids saying in the past month or so. Congrats on making it to 11 weeks!
ok, i know im a little late. way late. but that post is hilarious. still. and im still laughing. mom forgot to tell me half of those stories.
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