I actually love the fog too. Believe it or not. It gives me energy, keeps the trails, beaches and parks rather empty, and doesn't get me down at all.
But I think I finally have come to the conclusion that I LOVE a warm sunny day around 67 degrees with no wind better than the foggy days.
Maybe it is my constant quest for seaglass, or the fact that blissful hours can be spent walking the beaches or basking in sun while my littles play, or maybe it is the serenity and peacefulness that comes from being engulfed by the ocean and hills, or maybe it is how we all feel once we return sandy, tired, and ready to play quietly (more or less) inside....I can't quite pin it down, but whatever it is my kids and I are into it. Really into it. Everyday we pack up and head to one of our four favorite beach spots. By car, by bike, by foot...we have all the options.
Venice beach has been a new fav. I park at Freshman's Creek and we walk through Sweetwater forest. The kids love to listen to the birds and chase butterflies. After a 15 walk we end up by this creek flowing into the ocean. The kids spend hours playing so creatively. Today as I sat on my blanket I watched about 30 minutes of the most dramatic play I have ever seen. K and C were naked at this point and were playing with a big log in the water. "RUN! GET ON THE SHIP BEFORE THE PIRATES GET YOU", then they would race down a sand hill and leap onto the log. "GRAB YOUR GUNS" "OK CHARLIE" It was hysterical, and very theatrical as well.
Twice I was able to pull the kids away from their play to walk the beach with me. They are very aware of the ocean, and pay close attention to incoming waves, especially as I am sprinting in and out of the water to pick up gems...something that I am sure is not helping my belly. And they have become great little seaglass hunters themselves. Every few seconds I turn around to see a cute smile, hands behind their backs and "I have a present for you", after which they dump a piece in my hands. This pic doesn't do it justice, lots of the pieces are thick and very smooth, and there are a couple very cool pieces too.
Mavericks also has tidepools during low tides that are fun to explore. Kate had a very special time walking out there hand in hand with my friend Tanya and her son Michael.
Us moms have found a small trick that we bust out here and there. Towards the end of our beach trip lollipops are passed out. Instantly the kids are quiet and stationary while us moms make one last dash for glass.
I have also starting taking Henry (my mom's puppy) out this us here and there. He of course loves racing after Lily and the kids.
Like I have said a million times, the main reason we head out is because these two get along so well when we are out and about. This morning I woke up with a bad head cold, C was grumpy, K was needy, and my belly was acting up. I told myself I would lay low all day and just relax on the couch while the kids played. By 9 am I realized there was no way I would get through this day without crying if I stayed home. So instead we headed to Venice beach and stayed there for 3.5 hours. Every second was amazing.
I am almost sunned out. If that is possible. And daily I dream about playing in the snow in Tahoe...ADAM!
well, i guessed i jinxed it. cloud cover and mid 50s, but that is fine by me.
I, too, love that magical walk through Sweetwater and onto the trail and Venice Beach! That was my daily walk with Lilly when she was a puppy. That is great you are taking advantage of these mornings with Charlie and Kate before Charlie starts kindergarten.
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