It is hard to believe but up until yesterday I had never done the elephant seal tour at Ano Nuevo. When Adam's mom mentioned it back in December I jumped at the opportunity. We have explored the sand dune beaches south of town plenty, and even stumbled upon a huge male elephant seal many months back, but I was excited to take the actual tour and get up close and personal with this magnificent animals.
We saw big daddy's like this one:
Honestly, I spent most of my time watching Kate, she was just so darn cute the whole time
My boys were pretty cute to watch too. With three adults Charlie actually got to be held a bit. Between being freezing and a bit scared of the big elephant seals, Charlie wanted to be held a lot.
Our last lookout took us to the big batch of females, males, and pups. Of course I had my eye on a rock wash on the shore. I have heard there is great seaglass in Ano Nuevo...
Usually Adam takes the kids to the beach and hiking on Saturdays while I work. And I take the kids during the week while he works. It was nice that he was able to take the morning off and we could explore the area as a old times.

K and C were the only kids on the tour. They were amazing. No meltdowns, no asking for snacks, bathroom breaks, or fighting. They just went with flow, and I hate to admit it but I think Charlie paid better attention to the docent than I did.
It was also nice to have Adam's mom there to lend a helping hand...literally. She carried Kate most of the time...
I love that Charlie chooses his gnome hat for every outdoor adventure. And I love how into nature my family is.
Good times! A must see at least once in your life. Really happy my Mom made it happen! Thanks, Mom!
Muchas gracias! That was pretty cool! I'm like Sarah, looking at the cute kids more than I did the elephant seals!!
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