I feel like slowly but surely I am crawling back to where I was pre-pregnancy. I remember feeling like this right after Kate was born too. The feeling that it all is possible. That days are long which is at times exhausting, but also allows for play, cooking, cleaning, ups and downs. The feeling that I thrive in chaos. That I excel at managing 2 preschoolers and a newborn. Last week and this past weekend was great. The house is in decent enough shape and I am starting to see that it is more important to hold and cherish my children than sweep the floor. Not that I ever doubting that. But somehow the past month I have been trying to keep a decluttered and clean house while managing the needs and wants of three children.
Just this morning Alex fell asleep (not on me) and my brain said, sweet now I can put all his clothes into the huge dresser my parents handed down to us. But when I opened my mouth this is what came out: Who wants to play games? And so began a marathon of memory, candy land, and chutes and latters. My first reaction when I announced my desire to play board games was WTF was I thinking. The kids were happily playing together and the baby was alseep on his own. But when I saw the kids look at each other and bust out in huge smiles, I knew my heart's desire to use my precious 30 minutes with my big kids was a way better investment over organizing.
Everyone has also been sleeping so well, which makes a huge difference. During and right after Kate's big sickness she was waking up something like 5 times a night. And like the wonderful father Adam is, he raced in to help his girl each time. And for the first 4 weeks of Alex's life his tummy gave him problems from 2 to 5 every. single. morning.
Kate is on day 4 of not waking up once at night...and get this: the kids are sleeping in later now. Kate woke up at 8 this morning, and Charlie 7:30...this is way better than the 545 or 615 we have been used to.
And drumroll please: Alex has been sleeping from 9-2 and then nursing for about 10 minutes and sleeping until 5 or 6. I can totally function on this kind of sleep.
He still doesn't sleep or nap alone. I am convinced that anyone that says there kids nap well and sleep well alone (as itty bitty babies) must be lying :) because not one of my kids has been able to do so. Alex can be in a deep sleep and if I set him down....he is awake and crying in minutes. Obviously this situation makes cleaning and cooking next to impossible.
I have found that I can speed clean on and off throughout the day. A trip to wipe Kate's bum bum is turned into a mad sweep through my path. I have been known to make sandwiches for lunch while also making breakfast since Adam is here and helping. Also one trick is I can set the big kids up with playdough or painting at the kitchen table, nurse and change the baby and then he will happily kick and squeal on the floor for a while...while I race to unload and reload dishes. I seem to run on pour thrill of getting a task done before one or all three of the kids start crying.
And lastly, I have learned I can't make everyone happy all the time. It is ok if Kate cries on the couch while I take care of Alex because she woke up from her nap and wants me all to herself. It is ok if Alex cries for 2 minutes while I help Kate get dressed. It is ok if Charlie slips into a mood and makes demands of me. I can maintain my smile, take deep breaths, and try to exude strength and calmness. Thanks to rescue remedy, my return to exercise, and a good amount of sleep....I feel like I can do this.