Between being sick, then Kate being sick, and having a bitty newborn we have been home bodies lately, and I have to say I LOVE it! Up until this point in my life as a mother I was always on the go. Nature walks, parks, beach, trips to the libraries, playdates, field trips. Always on the go. Up and out of the house by 9 every morning was the goal.
And I loved taking the kids everywhere. As a direct result they are practically perfect in stores, restaurants, on walks, and at places like the zoo. Now that I am learning to juggle three under 5, including a newborn that isn't ready for the ergo...I am loving staying home. The kids play with their toys, we play games for up to 2 hours every morning. We read. The big kids play together so well, while I hold, love, and nurse the baby. Soon enough we will have to start venturing out into the real world, but until then I am loving my house and my kids and the simplicity and rhythm that comes with staying close to home.When Alex is awake we take turns holding and talking to him....
When the sun peeks out (and even when it doesn't) the kids go out front and enjoy homemade is a great way to get 20 minutes of peace. Often times the kids sit side by side licking away and chatting about everything under the sun. It is pretty cute.
Most days I get lucky and Alex takes at least 1 long nap on his own. He sleeps through Lily barking, the music blasting, and the kids racing around the house playing "spies"

Kate loves being a big sister and will stop anything she is doing to go wash her hands and hold her baby brother on the couch. It has been wonderful watching her go from the littlest to the middlest...
Our mornings start like this and although Adam moans and groans at 6 when one by one every kid (and some dolls) enter the bed....I know he loves it....a little.
that is, by far, the cutest picture ever. i love that you took it and that you posted it. your kids will treasure that one!!!
cute cute! love that last pic and alex sleeping. Precious.
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