His favorite toy (as well as mine) are this amazing magna tiles that my parents have generously given my kids for xmas this year and last. First he would just play with them, then he realized he could pull himself into sitting position with the basket, then standing, and now he likes to crawl right over...
About a month ago he started pulling himself into standing on the couch and just about anything. He is now starting to try to let go, and just yesterday he took two steps while holding on to the couch.
In this past week his favorite game is to pull knights and horses through the castle window.
And whenever Charlie and Kate are outside playing with friends or Adam, you can be sure to find Alex at the window hooting and howling and wanting to be part of the fun...
All day, everyday you can hear one of us say how cute he is, how much we love him...if there is such a thing he may just be the best loved baby ever.
Oh, and how can I forget he is finally interesting (kinda) in eating. Despite this face, Adam told me that he loved my split pea soup (I was working) but when I tried the same soup the next day I faced closed lips and this face...
How he made it until 8 months to join the big kids in dress up is beyond me...doesn't he make the cutest baby pirate?
Charlie and Kate truly love Alex. And while Kate annoys us by always loving him too close, I couldn't ask for better safety helpers and playmates for my littlest boy.
Alex continues to brighten our days and our lives. He is happy, very focused, starting to understand the world around him, waves hi and bye, loves everyone, and is all around a great little boy.
1 comment:
Cutest baby ever!!!
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