I want to start blogging. I never make time for writing in my journal, and I really have so much to write about every little thing. My life is full of stories right now being a mom of two very young children. I never imagined myself in this position, being a stay-at-home mom with two kids under two, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Baby Kate is the cutest, sweetest thing that I have ever loved, and Charlie is so full of life it is a blast just to sit back and watch. The two of them keep me on my toes 24-7, and I mean literally. There is never a day without adventure, laughter, frustration, dancing, and chaos control. I have always been a playful person, and so spending all day playing with Charlie is a delight. I chase him into each room, and all around my parents' backyard. I tickle him. We cook together, read together, sometimes when the universe is lined up correctly we get to nap together. When I am not happily interacting with my son, I get to cuddle with my newest daughter. I look into her eyes and I see myself, and it is such a strange feeling. Like I have known her forever, and she has always belonged to me and me to her. I really am a carbonated drink bubbling over right now, perhaps a seltzer ready for be cracked open and ch

ugged down. I have so much to say, and as most of you know I am not one lacking for words, they may not always be the right word used in the right context, but I have a lot of them at all times.
How could someone not what to talk, to talk about everything going on right now in our country and world. We are on the brink here, the brink of everything being so screwed up. Our education system is failing, health care is a disaster, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan is taking a sickening amount of money from our hands (mostly borrowed money) and using it to destroy entire countries, global warming is very real and the horrible consequences are approaching faster than originally anticipated. I could go on and on and on, but charlie wants me to read Richard Scarry to him and so I must go.
My final words about this administration and the total destruction they have caused in the last 8 years is YA BASTA
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