It is true I once said to my mom that I feel sorry for everyone in the world who doesn't know, and I mean really know Charlie. I want the world to see my son and all of his sounds effects, signs, words, expressions, dance moves, smiles. He brings joy everywhere he goes. Here is a little list of things he does daily that warms the cockels of my heart....
I love...

1. the way my son storms out of his room after a 2.5 hour nap with his vacuum in one hand and
his spray bottle and wipe in the other....ready to clean
2. the way he can look at a richard scarry book for ever focusing mainly on all the lawn mowers, vacuums, hammers, wrenches, and helicopters he can find.
3. the fact that yesterday he climbed onto his changing table while I was in the kitchen and then waited there quietly until I came looking for him and told me he had ergh ergh (poop) in his diaper.
4. The way he gallops around the house, hearing the music in a truck working at cunha, or a bird singing in the trees, always dancing thru his day.
5. the fact that yesterday while in the bath with his spray bottle and shower curtain pulled shut, he told me "out" and his dad "bye" every time we tried to peek in on him
6. they way his kisses his sister and tries so hard to hold and carry her (ok sometimes he follows the kiss up with a hit)
7. his forehand and backhand that he does when he merely sees his dad's tennis shoes or a tennis shirt.
8. All of his sound effects. he has one for a lawn mower, weed wacker, hoe, hammer, vacuum, spray bottle, poop,
9. the way he races around the corner in our house and then stops abruptly, shakes his head, and says, "woooooh" in the most animated voice
10. the way you can have a very serious conversation with him and he will nodd, shake his head no, say no and yeh in many different tones, as if he truly understands the dilemna at hand
11. the way he does something on purpose like crumble a cracker on the floor or knock over a piece of furniture and then in the most innocent voice says, "uh-oh"
12. the way he grabs my keys and his shoes and says, byeeeee as he heads to the door.
13. They way he is starting to play hide and seek.
14. the way he called out my name while in the garden yesterday and then did the I Love You sign and then went on to list everyone he knows and loves as well, steve, josh, amy, pa, nonnie, Aunt Kate grandma.....
so for all of you that don't get to see and know my son on a regular basis, come hang out with us more. He lights up my life, and I am sure he would light up yours.
1 comment:
Your making me cry.. Q and i love Charlie. Or whooa as Q refers to him
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