I had wanted to plan this great big trip for our little family to go on this weekend or sometime around it. a trip to celebrate leaving our 20s and entering our 30s, but like most things in my life the time came and went without ever getting around the actually planning anything spectacular. My ideas of big sur, yosemite, even as crazy as belize somehow morphed into this: adam doing some serious gardening, and me putting one last red coat on the kids' playroom wall. some sort of exciting don't you think?
so whoever is out there reading, raise your glass to adam tomorrow. he is one heck of father, an incredibly funny companion, and a very dedicated husband.
Happy bday, and know that soon I will be following you into the land of 3os, wherever that may take us, at least we will be headed there together.
Happy birthday, Adam!
And don't worry...the 30s aren't THAT bad. Other than more gray hairs, noticing a little sun damage and more wrinkles on your face, saggier boobs. I'll shut up now :)
Happy Birthday - again! Hey, you guys could have come to San Diego! I know, bad timing with moving and all but we missed you guys! Probably not quite the trip you had in mind for celebrating but hey...
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