Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What Charlie really wants for Christmas...

A new bike?.....
Some sweet wooden animal toys?
Some more plan vehicles?


How About:
...unlimited access to knifes and sharp objects..
...freedom to flush the toilet countless times a day, and perhaps stick his hands in there in the process
...a free pass to knocking over his sister during a game of football
...full access to mommy's lip to stroke, grab, poke, and hold all day for comfort sleep directly on mommy's chest all night.
...for daddy to take him to play tennis all day long.
...rides on daddy's lap in the truck
....real hammers, tape measures, screw drivers, and electric drills
..all the neighbors real and toy lawn mowers
....a real skateboard, helmet, and ramp be able to grab toys and objects directly out of books and play much chocolate as he can fit in his mouth.

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