Look closely: how many candles did I put on Charlie's birthday cake? Whoops!

We have started a tradition that works out nicely for Charlie. After his first birthday party that was more like a wedding in terms of number of guests, money, and time spent organizing and prepping for it, we decided that we do not care for birthday parties, at least not throwing them. We would much rather invite those we are the closest to over for a nice dinner party. So for the past two years we have had small family parties, and it just so happened that we have had TWO parties for Charlie, one with Adam's family, and one with ours. Maybe next year for the big 4 we will combine them. But I think Charlie now expects two parties and likes have twice as much fun.
Charlie's first party was in Sacramento. We were dropping off the kids with Charlie's Nonnie and her two sisters to watch overnight and the whole next day while Adam and I got to go river rafting. NICE! I KNOW...maybe that will be a tradition too.....celebrating the moms, and dads for keeping the kids alive, healthy and happy year after year.
So since we had all the Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins on the Underwood side together, we decided to throw Charlie a little party. Only glitch was Charlie had a fever and was sick.
Everyone got Charlie thoughtful gifts. He got a purple ball (his favorite color), a cool game, the coolest sticker book ever, shorts, shirt, and a pass to Gilroy Gardens. His face is no reflection on how much he likes or dislikes his gifts, he was sick and asking to go to bed.
but rather than grant his wish to sleep off his sickness we "forced" ice cream and cake down his throat. j/k
It was a lot of fun to have everyone running all around!

Once we got back from the river we had another family party for Charlie. Some close friends came and we ate, drank, ate more cupcakes (my new hobby-making cupcakes...how domestic am I?)
We enjoyed each other in the backyard...
Charlie loved trying out his present from Glenn and Megan. He surpassed his tee ball set almost 1.5 years ago, and this gadget is cool, you step down, the ball shoots up and you have to hit it out of the air. I think he got it down on try 1 or try 2
He also loved his workerman belt with real tools from Julia and Dwight. As soon as he opened this gift he ran to get his vest that Nonnie made for him.
My dad manned the grill.....
Kate gave it a go at the ball thingy
and couldn't believe how far Charlie smacked the ball, Adam and I weren't surprised at all...I feel a scholarship in our future.

After playing outside, we brought the party inside for dinner and cupcakes. Drumroll please: I made the most delicious vegan cupcakes: mint chocolate with mint frosting and a chocolate glaze, and gingerbread cupcakes with lemony frosting.) They were decadent, and I took a pic to prove it and then accidently erased it off my camera. I have to admit that although my cupcakes were the bomb, it came at a high price, Charlie was still sick and wanted to be held all day, and it just felt terrible to constantly snap at him, no I can't hold you I am making your cupcakes for your party....what kind of mom spends hours and hours making cupcakes when their kid is sick.....sidenote, I got the number of candles right this time! And second sidenote: when I told charlie it was time to blow out the candles he quickly climbed up on the table and dragged over our meal candles...cute.
Kate of course didn't understand why it wasn't her birthday, why she didn't get to blow out candles.
Charlie got a set of garden tools from us..."to help daddy"
And in typical Berkowitz fashion Kate got some presents too...
Charlie was sooo happy to open his BIG present..a 15 dollar skateboard from toysrus, he loves this thing, he rides it to the park and in the backyard, he tries to throw it down and jump on it like the "big boys" do down the street.
Testing out his binoculars from Mama and Pa...
And trying on his shin guards from Mama and Pa, seriously these things are like the size of my hand and so cute....
Teamwork. Charlie, Kate, and Mama working together to unwrap Charlie's new soccer goal. He is all ready to go!
What was left of 24 cupcakes between 10 people..
Thank you everybody for helping me raise this energetic, sweet, at times high maintenance kid. He is so well loved by both Adam's family and my own, and we are very grateful for this.
So far 3 is interesting....not that they change overnight...but man sometimes it feels like they do.
We love Charlie, love to celebrate him, and look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with our families