Little Kate is quickly approaching a year old, which is crazy to think about. I think Adam and I should get something big for ourselves, something that says, YOU DID IT. you managed to keep two young kids healthy, happy, well-fed, well-loved, for a full year. You survived the first year of adjusting to being a family of 4 ( or 5 if you count lily, which you should). And you managed to do it with a smile on your faces, most of the time. Don't get me wrong there have been plenty of tears from my side, but all in all it has been the best year of my life.
Here is what little kate is up to these days:
1. She has 4 signs. Food, More, Milk, and Dog. She is a quick study and we are adding new signs daily.
2. Although she didn't start eating solids until after 9 months she eats everything we put in front of her, following after her brother.
3. She stands up in the middle of the room (has been doing this for almost 2 months) and is getting more and more steady by the day. It may be a few more months before she is walking, we just don't know since her brother didn't start walking till somewhere around 14 months.
4. She adores her brother, and even though we are back to daily smacks across the face, toy robberies, and complete knock-downs, her love for her brother grows everyday. They play chase around the island, look at the window together, and love to play in the tent together.
5. She loves to climb on everything, and don't tell my dad but the other day I found her sitting on top of the brand new dish washer door, didn't have time to grab the camera, I was afraid that she might break it.
6. She loves to hide in small places, and often needs help getting back out.
7. She still spends a small part of everyday on my back, although I have started to phase out the napping on my back, I started to question whether the 22 pound baby was causing some of the lower back pain. But as you can see for hikes, cooki
ng, or playing softball the back carry comes in handy.
8. She loves to show us how big the baby is..
9. Her favorite new trick is the scrunchy face, and this face melts her dad's heart. They created it together and now everytime she sees his face she immediately makes this face:
She has so much personality, she is curious, focused, silly, and smart. When a toy is taken away from here she throws her little body on the ground and headbutts the floor (which often causes more tears since we have hardwood floors- ok maybe she isn't that smart...but she sure is cute!
Love that baby!!!
I love hearing about Kate and Charlie's interactions with one another. Love reading these posts about your kids!!
Yes they are bitter sweet. the past few months we have seen more hitting, knocking down, and stealing of toys. But they adore each other and get so excited when the other wakes up and is ready to play. I am working hard to do what my parents did so well, which was to really foster a friendship between us siblings. I am not always able to do it with the hitting and such but even in those situations I try to really explain to charlie how kate loves him and looks up to him and wants to play with him. He is now saying things like "r u ok baby, I sorry, i am ready to is cute!
i can't believe it either! all these baby's including jackson and charlie are growing up so fast! hard to believe Jackson is 4 and Charlie nearing 3! keep in mind ideas for us of something for Kate's 1st!
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