Monday, January 12, 2009

us and how we feel

Right now is a rare moment and I thought I would capture it before it has passed. Charlie is napping in his room and the baby is playing nicely by herself, without a big brother to worry about. She is actually very content banging a wooden block on the hardwood floor. It is rare that I have a moment to myself because up until now I am either fully engaged with the children or laying down during the sacred family nap time. If you read my last post you would know that naptimes have changed around here and I am proud to say today was the first peaceful nap time in a while. Kate skipped her morning nap (which is happening a lot because we are out and about and there is just too much for her to explore) and so she fell asleep on the way home and caught a forty minute nap in her carseat. Charlie ate an enormous about of food (and entire boca burger wrapped in a cheese quesadilla along with an entire banana drenched in peanut butter- i have learned not to take bites from his food as he can easily finish it himself and gets rather upset when I eat it all up "no mommy, that is my black bean burger" I was able to pass of K to my mom for 25 minutes and got charlie down for his nap. No crying, No yelling, No anything but reading and snuggles and sleep. Of course he will probably sleep 2 hours instead of the 3 he would sleep if I was with him, and the baby may or may not get another nap, and of course I will not get one....but I am still thankful for this quiet time.
What I have been thinking a lot about lately is how settled and happy I am in Half Moon Bay. It is beautiful here, calm, and welcoming. I am meeting new friends with young children all the time and enjoy hanging out, getting to know each other, and sharing our parenting experiences with each other. I couldn't imagine not having my parents so close by (and by close by I mean downstairs) I enjoy my dad's company as he eats his lunch or makes his morning coffee, I am very appreciative that Charlie spends around 30 minutes each morning with mama (grandma) and frequently use their help for things like showers. It is also so great to hear my mom say positive things daily about my children and my parenting. I model most of how I parent after the way I was raised and every few weeks I sit on her couch crying about something that went wrong or not as planned.
I have been thinking a lot about going back to work. I miss my professional outlet, teaching, working with kids....and such. I would love some extra money because even though we are getting by, we are no where near having money for a down payment on a house.
But I love being home. I love the challenge of cooking, cleaning, and so forth while also keeping two young kids happy, engaged, and outside. I love that each day is my own, to take a walk, go to the park, the discovery museum, a friend's house, music class, whatever it is we decide. I love that adam is home by 5 and can take time out of his day (sometimes) to help.
anyway, I just thought I would write a boring post about me and where i am these days, hoping your weather is as gorgeous as mine!


Amber said...

I can only imagine how nice it would be to live where you grew up (especially somewhere as beautiful as HMB), know everyone, and have daily interaction with family. I'm jealous:) Thanks for your comments on night sleeping. I look forward to the day when sleep becomes a given for Olivia, as it is with Jackson. Sleep is always more difficult with babies and that lessens as they grow older. Great pics, by the caught some great emotions on that day after Christmas had by...well everyone, but especially Charlie and Jackson.

Mama Deb said...

Not boring at all, Sarah!
I so wish that we could make HMB our familial hamlet as well for the long haul :(

It seems like there are just some things that are decided for us and we just have to let things 'be' and move forward. And I don't mean that in a 'God' sort of way, just in a universe-being-bigger-than-us sort of way. And a I've-had-several-glasses-of-wine sort of way :)

The boys are not feeling well again, but hopefully we can get together soon!